Old Friends

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The silver trio sauntered out of Narcissa's fireplace later that day, ready to face down their former friend(s). Theo and Blaise still did not believe that any one had seen Pansy walking around but Draco had a sick feeling in his stomach. He felt that there was more going on than met the eye or his ear as it were. He tried to ignore these thoughts, however, and told himself that he was not an Auror. His job was to poke around talk to Goyle and report back. Be the Ministry's eyes, briefly. He knew that Potter and Hermione would already be holed up in his office patiently listening, waiting. Probably sipping on revolting coffee. He also knew that if they faced any serious trouble that Aurors would be apparating to their position.

It was something about what Theo had told them all about his and Blaise's last conversation with Goyle. Those words were running through his mind like a mantra.

String up the Order of the Phoenix

I'll kill them all.

He mentally shook himself as he excused himself to the small kitchen to make some tea. Breathing deeply he warmed a mug of water with this wand and opened the box his mother had on the counter, full of exotic teas from around the world. It was one of the few things from the Manor that his mother had taken to this home away from home. Really it was one of the few things from his childhood. Everything else had been stained in some way or another.

Draco sighed as he enjoyed this pleasant moment with his expensive tea but as the tea began to run out an annoying voice rang in his ear.

Buck up soldier, show time. We're on standby.

Draco groaned and slammed down his tea cup. He took one last calming breath before he walked out to the sitting room, repeating Potter's words to Blaise, Theo and his mother. They all nodded but as Blaise and Theo made toward the front door, Draco stood in front of his Mother.

"Just stay here, mother? Okay? Just in case."

She frowned at him for a few moments before nodding and sitting down. Once outside, and squinting in the sun, Draco turned right and headed to the home three doors down where he knew his Mother had had tea with his friend only days ago. Theo and Blaise had shared a worried look before following him.

"I'm getting a very Griffyndor vibe from you right now, Draco. I know you're really only here to protect her but you gotta reel in the lion, mate." Theo muttered as they made their way down the quaint country lane. Their smart suits - a usual in London - suddenly felt out of place. Draco began to worry that perhaps they hadn't planned this out well enough.

"Sod off" Draco muttered back.

Only a minute later they found themselves at the front door Narcissa had described as the one she went to for lunch with Goyle. They exchanged looks.

Would someone knock?

All three rolled their eyes at the sound of Harry Potter's voice but Draco raised his hand and knocked three times.

"I swear Clawgrin, this is the third time you're late."

The three men heard a feminine voice shouting from inside the door, getting louder.

"Potter, heads up" Blaise whispered.

"The meeting started" they heard a lock click and the door nob turn "thirty minutes.. Ago.." Pansy Parkinson trailed off as her eyes fell on the three men. She seemed as surprised as they were.

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