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May 3rd 2008

Hermione woke up with a smile already on her face. The sun was shining, birds singing and she had woken up in the strong arms of Draco Malfoy. Being that it was a Saturday Hermione was fully prepared to stay in bed and ignore the world. It was a few months since the

"Exclusive interview" had appeared in the prophet and after staying off the radar at the office recently Hermione was ready to take the weekend and start fresh on Monday. She hoped some other news would hit the stands over the weekend and that her co-workers would stop gossiping about her romantic life. Any time her and Draco stepped out of their front door there was a photo of them together in the paper in the morning. Anytime they were out in public separately there were obnoxious rumors of a breakup. It was all beginning to wear on the two of them. Her plans for ignoring the world, however, were dashed when a loud banging came from the front door.

Shaking Draco awake Hermione jumped out of bed and threw on her dressing gown. She could hear Draco moaning about being woken up and she went over to his side of the bed to shake him again. "Draco, someone's here"

"hmm? What?" He asked, lifting his head up a bit.

"Someone. Is. Here" Hermione said slowly. "Do you not hear the loud banging?"

Draco groaned but then sat up, a bit more coherent. "What now?" He grumbled as he stood up and made his way downstairs. Hermione followed him and asked "Who would be here at 6 am on a Saturday? Were you expecting someone?" He didn't answer her but as they got closer they could hear muffled shouting in between the pounding.

"Draco Malfoy, You open this door you sneaky bugger! How could you keep your Mother out on the cold hard stoop! You open up this door now!"

Draco sighed as they reached the door and he opened it. His Mother spilled in the door looking angry and disheveled. "Hello Mother"

"Were you going to tell me that someone tried to break into our home?! That you were attacked? You didn't think to.."

Narcissa's voice trailed off as she spotted a startled Hermione behind her Son. Her eyebrows furrowed. "....Minister?"

Hermione smiled and waved her hand awkwardly in greeting. "Morning"

Narcissa just stood, clearly shocked and looked between the two of them who had clearly just gotten out of bed. Draco could see the wheels in her head spinning as she looked between the two of them.

She cleared her throat and took a breath. "So I understand that Ronald Weasley decided to assault our front door?"

Both Draco and Hermione just nodded.

"And the letter left on the console table said this incident preceded an assault."

They nodded again. Narcissa could see an increasingly guilty face plaguing her son and she sighed. She looked at Hermione and said. "Shall we have some tea and you can both fill me in?"

A few cups of tea later Narcissa leaned back against the back of Draco's sofa. "So." she said looking between the two again. "You're together now?" she asked with a smirk.

Draco sighed tiredly. "Yes mother. I'm surprised you haven't already read all about it in the prophet. I meant to owl you to fill you in entirely but I've been.." His voice trailed off as he looked to Hermione. "Preoccupied."

Still smirking his mother laughed. "I'm sure you have. And I did get your letter two months ago but when you said you had some news I assumed it was.. well... unimportant." Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. "good to know your level of concern for me is low, Mother." he muttered.

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