A Short Lived Secret

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Before Hermione could scream, Ronald was winding up another punch. As Dracos left hand reached up to his bleeding nose his right whipped out in front of him to grab Ron's fist before it came close to his face. 

"Typically" Draco spat, his voice dripping with venom "people provide some sort of explanation before punching another person in the face. So I'll ask... What the fuck are you doing here and what the bloody hell was that for?"

Ron Scoffed. "I'm here to deal with my wife" Ron spat and tossed a copy of the Daily Prophet onto the coffee table in front of him. 

"Ex-Wife, Weasel, Ex-wife" Draco assured him as Hermione began to dab at his bloody face. She handed Draco the tissue she had been using and took a deep breath before turning to Ron, nostrils flaring. 

Thank Merlin her wand is upstairs. Draco thought as he watched her march up to Ron. "You do not deal with me Ron - married or not. How dare you barge in here like this as if you still have claim or authority over me." she ranted. 

Ron's red face stared down at her. "What kind of woman gets herself plastered across the front page kissing that dirt bag?" Ron threw is hand up in Draco's direction "What kind of Woman are you Hermione? What kind of Minister does this! Didn't you think of that?" Ron yelled. He took a step closer, getting into her face "You're a disgrace. You've embarrassed yourself and worse of all you've embarrassed me and my family!" He grabbed her upper arm "You're coming with.." 

He was unable to finish his sentence due to Draco storming across the room and shoving Ron against the nearest wall. Draco's forearm was up against Ron's throat and his red face was staring down at Draco in fear. "How dare you Weasley? She's not your wife any longer and even if she was how dare you speak to her in that manner." Ron lead out a huff and Draco could smell the alcohol on this breath. "Get out, Get out of here before I kill you with my bare hands. Go back to the pub you clearly just left." Draco dropped his arm and shoved Ron towards the door. 

Ron turned to see Hermione, tears welling up in her eyes, shaking her head at him still nursing the spot on her arm where he had grabbed her. "Get out of my house Ronald or I'll call Harry." She said evenly. 

He looked shocked but turned around and stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Draco turned to look at Hermione, eyebrows knitted in concern. 

"Don't look at me like that, your the one bleeding." She said as she conjured a wet cloth to clean him up further. Draco allowed her to fuss over him for a moment before putting his hands over hers to stop her ministrations. "Kitten, I'm fine. I'll heal it in a moment. Are you okay?" He asked gently. He wondered if this is how Ron had treated her throughout their entire marriage and was concerned for what scars he may have left her with. He wondered briefly if she had removed Ron from her wards and what would happen when he left her alone. This brought him back to the article Ron must have been mentioning and Draco reached down to pick up the newspaper. 

There he saw, stretched across the front page, a photo from when Hermione had first kissed him last night. Handing her the paper he sighed and sat down, putting his face in his hands. He looked up at her, waiting for a reaction. He could see the wheels turning in her mind, her face pensive, lips pursed.

"Hermione, I'm sorry. If I had known .." 

"I really just hate my hair from the back" Hermione cut him off, tossing the paper aside. 

He looked up at her, gaping. He blinked once. Twice. She caught his stare and smiled softly at him. "Draco why would I be mad at you over this? This effects you just as much as me."

He shook his head. "No, Hermione. Arent you worried about what people will say about you? I mean, Are you sure you're okay with everyone knowing you kissed Draco Malfoy?" He asked. 

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