Dont go

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Hermione, now fully clothed, opened the door to see a perplexed looking Blaise. She threw her arms around his neck and didn't notice his lack of a return hug, nor the glare Draco was giving him. Blaise smirked at Draco but patted Hermione on the back.

"Good to see you, you're looking much better now."

She looked down and Draco put an arm around her "Sorry you had to see that" She mumbled.

"Oh no, Don't be. I'm just glad you're here" Blaise said putting extra emphasis on his last word. "Anyway, there are more hugs waiting for you downstairs"

Draco and Hermione both shared a puzzled look before heading down the stairs together. His arm was still around her shoulders when a blur of red came charging at her and squeezed her around her middle. She cried out in pain as her ribs were squeezed and Draco hissed next to her.

Ginny backed away sheepishly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry Hermione... Hermione.. I.." Ginny stuttered but Hermione was back in her arms in a flash. Ginny swayed them back and forth. With her head on Ginny's shoulder Hermione looked behind her and saw nearly the entire Weasley clan and Harry standing awkwardly in Draco's living room. She let go of Ginny and looked at them all. Then she turned to see Draco standing at the bottom of the stairs, mouth agape as Blaise patted him on the back. She turned back around and walked to Arthur and Molly hugging them first, then everyone circled around her all telling her they loved her in their own way. Molly spoke first.

"I know Harry fixed your arm.. but I came to heal you up." Molly said quietly.  Hermione was already shaking her head

"Draco did it all last night" She said smiling softly at Molly. "I'm okay, really. My ribs are just sore. Everything else feels perfect" She said as she turned to smile at Draco. Everyone watched her expression with fascination as each Weasley present looked between Hermione and Draco.

Draco enjoyed their moment until he realized six Weasleys and the boy who lived were staring at him. Arthur cleared his throat. "Molly came to check on you and the rest of us just wanted to see you, Hermione." He sighed and looked at her for a moment clearly at a loss for words, "and we brought breakfast" George said from somewhere to Hermione's left. "Harry said you two would be hungry too" George said nodding to Blaise and Draco.

Draco was still staring incredulously at the group in his living room but Blaise elbowed him whispering "I'm defiantly very hungry"  and Draco cleared his throat. "Well, welcome to Malfoy Manor Jr. The dining room is that way" He said lamely, motioning with his hand. 

"Come on girls, lets get everything ready" Molly said and Hermione and Ginny followed her while Hemrione said "We won't even have to make the table bigger. Draco seems to have the perfect table for Weasley gatherings". She turned to give Draco a wink before she went into the other room with the other ladies. Draco spluttered, loosing all color in his face, as Harry made his way over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry. I can't say no to my in-laws" 

Draco rolled his eyes at the black haired man in front of him. He walked to the other side of his living room where Arthur, Bill, Percy and George stood. He extended his hand to Arthur. now's as good a time as any.  He thought. He knew that if he was to be involved with Hermione, these red heads come with her. I must remember to refrain from insults  He told himself. "I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I've truly not been pleasant to any of you in the past but I hope you know that.." 

Arthur took Draco's hand and pulled him into a strong but short hug. "Son, Hermione and Harry have told us all a lot. As has the prophet. From what we've heard in the last few days we'll be seeing much more of you and I'll speak for my family when I say we're happy to see the man that you are today." He took a deep breath and looked in Draco's eyes." Your Father and your childhood does not define you any longer." He said strongly and clapped Draco on the shoulder. Draco nodded and glanced over to the four brothers to his left who all seemed to be agreeing with their father. No looks of disgust or anger. No insults. He could do this.

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