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Part 1

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The dress was tighter than usual but I didn't really mind because like what Bailey said "I'll never meet these people again."

Bailey did my make up professionally because she's majoring in cosmetology so she knew exactly what she was doing.

After a few minutes of bickering about how much I didn't like eye makeup, she was finally able to put some on me and I even begged her not to put eyeliner on my lower eyelid. I was glad she agreed to it, but then told me to do it myself. She handed me a tiny mirror fit for one eye.

"Done." Bailey announced, wiping a small part of my lip to clear the smudged lipstick and smiled widely at me.

She turned my chair around so I can face the mirror. My jaw literally dropped when I saw how I looked. She smirked at my reaction as I examined every inch of my face. I was never able to pull makeup off because I either looked like a whore or a one year old attempting to put makeup but Bailey definitely proved me wrong or maybe it was because of her cosmetic skills. Either way, I admit I look hot.

"I. . ." I was at a loss for words.

"You are welcome." She winked and began putting her own make up.

"Thank you. You're the best. I usually look disgusting when I wear make up so thank you." I rambled and she laughed while she brush some blush on on her cheek.

"No problem. Guys will be cheating on their girlfriends tonight for you." She joked.

"Yeah but when they see you, I wouldn't end up with a guy's number." I countered and she scoffed.

"Oh, please." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, please." I mocked her and took a seat on the edge of my bed.

"I'll be done in a second." She slowly said, applying lipstick.

"It's been 30 years!" I exaggerated, laughing at my own joke.

"And you're so corny." She chuckled, placing her lipstick in her make up kit. "Let's go."

"I've been waiting." I joked, following her out my room.

She opened my front door but stopped all of a sudden and I bumped her.

"What?" I asked.

"Congratulations!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"Huh?" Confusion clear in my voice as I pulled away.

"You haven't smoked in three days!" She squealed, excitement clear in her tone.

"That long? I didn't even notice but thanks." I smiled and hip bumped her lightly.

"Come on, we're going to be late." She pulled me by the hand and into the elevator.


"I wanna ditch." I said as we walked along the driveway. I remembered he was gonna be here because Ashton's friend was throwing it.

"Why?" Bailey asked and turned to face me. Curiousity written all over her face.

"I just . . . I don't know, I-" I stuttered, failing to explain.

"He's gonna be here?" She asked, nodding her head when she knew she was right. "Just ignore him or we can hang out with Ash."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and slowly nodded my head and went in the small but big looking house. I hope this goes better than last time.

The smell of alcohol and sweat filled the air, making me nauseous.

"Hey, Bails, I'll-" I turned to face her but she was already gone. Like déjà vu.

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