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The restaurant I worked in was packed as usual. Laughter filled the entire room. A long line of hungry college students and parents stood before me. I was in the middle of getting someone's order when I saw Luke cut in front of the short man.

"I was here first!" He pushed Luke away, but Luke quickly got back in front.

"Go to the back!" Luke ignored him and looked at me.

"We need to talk." He said, his hard stare made it hard for me to look away.

"Luke, not now." I sighed, attempting to push him to the side.

"I need to talk to you now." He says lowly. His eyes burning into mine.

"You could've picked a better time." I gestured to the long line of angry customers behind him.

He ignored what I said and grabbed my wrist, dragging me away from the counter and out of the restaurant. I heard a few cameras go off. Not good.

"Luke, let go of me!" I yelled, struggling to pull away.

"Not until we talk." He snapped and brought us to the back of the shop.

"What's there to talk about?" I was suddenly raging with anger. Not only has he done this a number of times but he was also trying to get me fired from the only job I have.

"Don't you have any other question besides that?" He snapped, finally letting go of my wrist.

"What should I ask then?" I glared at him.

He glared back, "I just wanted to talk to you."

"Did you not see the long line? Are you trying to get me fired? Talking to me right now isn't going to help any of us." I yelled, walking back to the front of the Pizza Hut.

He pulled me back and pushed me against the wall, our faces were dangerously close. My breathing unevened and I could smell the faint mint scent coming from Luke's breath.

"You could get us in trouble." I whispered, attempting to break free from his grasp.

"I don't care." He says and leaned closer.

"What are you-" He cuts me off by attaching his lips to mine.

He moved slow and I found myself enjoying this and kissing back. He moved closer, closing all the spaces between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers in his hair, lightly tugging it. He let out a soft moan and removed his hand from my wrist and to my cheeks and brought us impossibly closer. His soft lips were warm against mine and I was lost- my thoughts were blurred and all plans to escape vanished. I missed this.

But I can't...

I pulled away and looked at him. He examined my face with a concerned expression and I didn't feel like yelling anymore. The only sounds that could be heard right now were our uneven breaths.

"What do you want from me?" I breathed, not knowing what to say or feel.

He looked deep into my eyes and rest his forehead against mine, "Another chance."


He stepped back, giving me my space. He looked up with sad, blue eyes. Taking my hand in his, "Because I want to make this right."

I felt pity. A while ago he looked like he had so much pride, but now he looked defeated and tired.

"I can't. We-we can't." I dropped our hands.

"W-why not?" He stuttered and I looked up at him.

"We're two different people, Luke. We live our own lives. And. . .and. . " I felt like crying. I looked down at my shoes and he puts two fingers below my chin and forced me to look at him.

"And what?" He asked, eyes were glossy as well.

"I'm afraid." I say in a whisper.

He didn't say anything so I continued

"Afraid that the past might repeat itself. You left me, Luke."

"I can promise you that I never changed. I'm still that guy who loved you then." He reached for my hand again, entwining it with his.

It didn't change the fact that he left me for something better.

I looked up at him with and he softly stroked my cheek.

"Answer me this question, honestly." He told me.

"Okay." I barely answered.

He kissed my forehead, surprising me a little. "If you could ever repeat the past, would you?"

Would I? I loved Luke and I still loved him until now. He was always there for me. He defended me when I was a total loser in school and he managed to be seen with me. He didn't mind holding my hand or kissing me in public. He didn't mind talking about me to his friends. He was popular and I was just a normal girl. He was my best friend. We kept our friendship a secret until sophomore year when he told me it was stupid hiding something like that friendship.

He actually liked me.

But he left you, Joey. After everything you've been through, he left you for his career. He left you crying with a shattered heart. He was the reason why you started smoking, the reason why no one really liked you, the reason why your attitude was bad.

"Yes." I answered.


that was weird sorry but it is






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