Chapter seven

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"Team, we have a new team mate. Casper. Now, casper. You are paired up with Abigail for stretches. She will teach you all about strength." Coach looked at Casper's scrawny figure. "You will need it." There was a wave of snickers, but I was dead set on making newbie not my partner.

"But, coach. I only came yesterday. I'm sure he may need more help from you...."

"That's enough, Hunter! Casper,just stretch with her. You two will be out of todays lesson. Just to teach stretches."

"Coach! We need Abigail to....."

"Mr Graceffa! Would you like to join her?" I scoffed and took my shoes off to stretch.

"Okay, newbie. First, we do lunges."

"How about you go in front and show me how to do it?"

"In your dreams newbie. Now, lunges." He rolled his eyes and did them poorly. "No. More leg, less hip. Now, arch your arm over your head while you are doing it. No, newbie. Like this." I got his arm and arched it all the way to his back.

Newbie, yelped and moved back and stepped on my bare foot.

"Owwwwwww. Newbie!" I screamed at him, hoping on one foot. "Mind putting your foot infront, not back?" I said.

"Heads up!" the ball was heading straight for Newbie, but I put my hand in front of his face before the ball hit him and threw it back to the team.

"You need your face not broken before our match. Again! Push ups!"

*half an hour later*

"Great job, team. See you later this afternoon for more practice."

"Yes coach!" we all chimed in.

"Thanks, Ab...."

"Don't push your luck, coach." I said.

In the change rooms, I put my red t shirt and some black shorts for French. I hated it with a passion. As long as the teacher didn't bore me I might not kill them. Wait, shit. Journalism.

I ran to Sir's office. Along the way, I bumped into a kid and fell down. I shook my head and looked up.

"Alfie? What are you doing?" I asked as he helped me up.

"Well, Abs. I'm here because Sir said for me to be a journalist."

"Wait, he told me to be a journalist. I'm confused."

"Lets go in and see then." we both went into the office and closed the door.

"Now, you two may want to know what is happening here. Well, I have assigned both of you journalists for our school campaign to see who gets more information on the same topic.

Every week I will make a new topic. Here are your journals and pens. I would like your to do an ask about on Red Ridinghood. See what people think of her. Agreed?"

"Yes, sir." Alfie and I said unison.

"Off you go." I sucked in a deep breath and left. I had to now wait until lunch to ask people things. I didn't know what I was going to do. Ask people what they think of me, well, Red Ridinghood. I just went off to French. The only subject I loathed.

"Here is our journalist." The teacher said. I put my head up and smiled.

"Hi, Abigail Hunter." I shook his hand and sat next to Dane. I could see that everyone had a spare seat next to them except Dane, so I made a seat. I made someone move.

"What are you sitting next to me for?" Dane asked coldly.

"Wow. What rat are you up?"

"You know, I was the most popular here and now you have wrecked it." I was a bit taken back.

"Well, I will stop hanging around people. But I have to....."

"No, Ab. You don't get it. This was the one place that I could get my mind taken off of you. You were my crush. And now seeing everyone else crushing on you breaks my heart."

"You know I don't like any of them back, right?" I tried to find his face, but he just seemed to move away from me.

"Yeah." He mumbled. "I guess that makes me feel a bit better." he gave me a faint smile. I smiled a little too and looked down to his arm. Scratch marks. Looked fresh.

"Did you get in a fight?" I asked pointing to them.

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