Chapter nine

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Everyone looked at me. I quickly shut my mouth and continued pedalling.

"You didn't hear anything." I said, getting my sweat on. I pulled my shirt off after a while and threw it to the side.

"What's that?" Michael said, pointing to my stomach. "It looks like little cuts."

"No. I was trying to sneak over the fence last night and I got my stomach on the fence that's all. I have to go. I have to place in my journalist." I put my shirt back on and picked up my bag. "Bye guys."

"Wait! Wait for me!" Alfie said, grabbing his bags and going thorough the halls. Shit. I was going to kill someone today. I kept walking though.

"Hey, Abigail. Hey!" he grabbed my arm so that I slowed down.

"What?" I said, harshly. Turning around to him.

"What is wrong with you? You are so popular and you straight up lie to everyone."

"Alfie, I don't want to be popular. Okay? I don't want to make it look like everyone is my friend. I'm me, I'm a girl. That is the only reason people are talking to me here. I bet you if another girl walked through those doors, all eyes would be off me and onto her like fresh meat. If you actually knew who I was, maybe you would think of me differently." I walked away again, stalking through the peopless halls. I rubbed my nose as I got to the office door.

I was about to walk in, but then I felt Alfie grab my hand and pull me to the side again. I forgot about the speed.

"What?" I whined again. "What is the matter now?"

"Who are you?" he asked with all seriousness.

"Alfie, don't be ridiculous."

"I'm being serious, Ab. You told me that if I knew who you really were, I would think of you differently. So spill."

I had to think of a lie. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm Abigail Hunter. You know that. I cut myself because I think that I'm not good enough. I like to do ballet because it soothes me and to be honest, I'm scared of the dark. Now, can we go in?" I skinned away into the doorway.

"Ahhhh. Miss Hunter. Oh, and Mr Deyes. Turn in your notes please." I ripped out th notes and put them on Sir's desk.

"Thank you. Your next topic is fears. What is everyone's fears."

"Yes, sir." Alfie and I said in unison and walked out the door.

Alfie came up close and kissed my cheek. Then leant into my ear.

"Maybe one day you will feel good enough for society." Then he walked off to the gym again. I was just standing there. Speechless. Was another werewolf hitting on me. As I stood there, my phone rang.


"Red? Okay, this is dad. You need to kill someone that helped kill gran. His name is Troye Sivan."

"Okay. That will be easy."

"Only for you Red. Bye love."

"Bye, daddy." I hung up and saw the team.

"Bye daddy." they mimicked.

"Shut up. Uh, I will catch up with you. I need to do something." I ran off in search for Mr Sivan. As the bell rang, he walked out of his class.

"Mr Sivan! Hey! Mr Sivan!"

"Abigail. Do you need help with your biology?"

"Uh, yeah. Can we do it in the class room?"

"Sure." we both walked into the classroom. I closed the door behind me.

"Now, Mr Sivan. I still don't get how the werewolf heart goes." He then turned around and did a diagram. I got my flashlight looking thingy and clicked the button. It silently turned into a double sided sword.

"Well, this is the most intriguing thing in the werewolf body......" I stabbed him once in the heart and then once down then head that split down through the butt.

"For gran." I said as his body exploded then disappeared. I clicked the thing again and put it in my back pocket. I slipped another note onto the desk and crept out of the room. Luckily no one saw me.

I went back up to my room and did the snowman knock. No one answered so I went in and sat on my bed, leaving the door open.

If Dane was meant to look after me, where is he? I laid back and stared at the ceiling. I wasn't crushing on Dane, right? I mean he is cute and all, but I wouldn't be crushing on him. I let out a sigh and heard my door slam shut.

I sat straight up and looked around. I felt gushes of wind just rush straight pass me about ten times before it stopped. I then saw it step out of the shadows.

"Miss me, Red?" a vampire said. Grace Heilbeig.

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