Chapter eleven

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Someone was shaking my arm.

"Abigail. Abigail. It's time to get out of bed hun." Dane said.

"Why? It's Saturday." I rolled back over. Dane kept shaking me.

"It's pancake day every Saturday. You do love pancakes. I remember you telling me." I made a slight smile.

"You know how to make a girl happy." I joked.

"I do try. Only for you though." I sat up.

"In your dreams, hot shot." I said, patting his cheek and then looking at myself in the mirror. I brushed my mane and put it in a side fishtail. Putting on red lipstick and dark eyeshadow with light foundation, I looked for something to wear.

"Oh, and by he way. My sister said that you could have he old clothes." I found some cute things in the closet. I searched through them and found a strapless tribal dress and picked out some cut red heals.

"How do I look? Too

Slutty?" I asked. Looking at myself in the mirror.

"You look perfect. Now, let's go." I went out first and Dane was close behind me. I could already smell the pancakes from the halls. I followed the smell into the cafeteria.

"Does anyone know where Abigail is?" the principal bellowed.

"Here sir. Sorry! Comas do leave you tired."

"Welcome back. Your outfit is....."

"Not appropriate. I know. I have a birthday party to go to this afternoon." I said. "My mother is turning two hundred and eleven."

"Oh, splendid. Now, we know the saying ladies first so, Abigail?"

"Oh, no. I'm fine. I will just be at the back."

"Okay, then. You're very gracious Abigail."

"Thanks sir." I stayed at the back of the line and it seemed to move really fast. Twenty minutes later, it was my turn.

"Hello, Abigail."

"Hey, Chef Gorden. Love the show."

"Thanks. Now, what would you like?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup and orange juice please."

"Sure thing." after five minutes he got all of my order on a tray.

"Thanks." I handed him a ten dollar note.

"Oh, no. Keep it. It's on the house."

"Ok. See you later, then." I walked off and waited for Dane for a while off to the side.

"Hey, Ab!" Alfie yelled. He shifted over a bit and patted the open seat next to him.

"Coming! Hurry up, Dane." I walked over to the boys. I pulled my legs over the chair and placed my tray on the table. Alfie swung an arm around me.

"You know, we should date." He said without any type of emotion.

"Uh, are you asking me or making me?"

"Sorry. Would you like to date me?"

"Oh, uh. I don't know. I haven't know you for long....."

"Don't worry. We will get to know each other more tonight."

"Oh, I have to celebrate my mothers birthday. Rain check?"

"It's either tonight or never, Ab."

"Alfie. If you are going to be forceful I would rather not 'date' you." I did quotation fingers at date. I took his finger and pulled his hand off my shoulder.

"Sorry, love. So, is it a yes or a no."

"Sorry, Alfie. I can't date a team mate. Maybe next time." I went to eat my pancakes, but Alfie threw his fist on the table, making my pancakes go on the floor.

"You can't say next time to me!"

"But honey, I just did. You owe me pancakes."

"I owe you nothing." he spat at me.

"Ok, then. Well, I'm just going to go. Bye, team." I got up to put my tray back, but Alfie yanked my hand back down so I fell on my butt on the chair.

"Mate, don't do that. She was trying to get up." Calum said, standing up in a fight stance. The others saw him and stood up as well. The whole cafeteria went silent.

"Oh, guys. Really. I'm fine." I said, trying to calm them down, but Alfie stood up and pulled my hair with him. Throwing me on the ground.

"Oh, no you didn't." Ashton said, hands on his hips. The team shifted into werewolves and Alfie had to back down. He was still standing next to me.

Dane came next to me, putting his fingers to his lips. I nodded and he took my hand and we ran off sneakily to the men change room.

"I don't know what happened." I said, sitting on the floor. "What did I do? All I said was no."

"Alfie doesn't like the word, no." Dane said, sliding down next to me. "You are so popular."

"Look, I wouldn't be popular if another girl walked in. It's like fresh meat." I sighed. "I'm sorry, I just. I'm just tired and I didn't get to eat my pancakes."

"It's alright. Hey, we could do something."

"What?" I asked. Dane started to smile. This mustn't be good.

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