Chapter 8

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Guys, thank you so much for the 1,000... no wait 2,000... wait 3,000?... 4,000. (last one) 5,000 reads, are you serious? You are freaking amazing. Words cannot describe.


I woke up to a dry mouth and a strange smell. It wasn't the kind of smell you were used to when you woke up in the morning. It was a strange combination of old people and cleaning products.

I was in a hospital.

When I opened my eyes there was no one in the room so I lifted my head.

Bad idea.

I got horrible pain on the side of my head so I stroked it.

Worse idea.

I felt stitches on a bald spot above my ear. It had hair over it but I sill felt it.

And then I remembered the previous night. I wanted to run away and die. Just too dramatic. Just too much drama. Oh god, I wanted to die.

I noticed a button besides me to call a nurse. I pressed it.

And only a few moments later a smiling nurse came in a doctor-green outfit. She had semi long, brown hair put up in a pony tail, and her cheekbones were to die for.

"Oh you're up! You hit your head pretty hard!" she said. "Your mom and your boyfriend are just outside if you'd like to see them."

Boyfriend. My head hurt even more.

"Oh, sure," I answered with a raspy voice. "I just wanted to ask for some water."

"Yes of course, I'll be right there."

Before she left I called at her.

"Wait, how long have I been out?"

She looked at her watch. "Umm... about a day and a half. It's three PM."

"Oh." I watched her get out of the room. How could I be out for so long? I just fainted. Well, obviously I hit my head. But still. I remember mom being scared when I woke up for a few seconds. I remember Logan being scared as well. 

Maybe this was the thing I needed.

Maybe this was my way out of the 'Logan situation'.

I looked around a bit. There was another bed in the room but there was no one in it. There was a TV on the wall but it was turned off.

I found the remote to the bed and made me sit up.

My mouth and throat were a desert.

Finally she came back. But behind her were two others. Mom and Logan. Logan held a blue book of sorts.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"

I took the glass of water and drank all of it before answering. My head felt much better.

"I'm okay. My head kinda hurts though."

"I'll give you guys some privacy," the nurse said walking out of the room. I caught Logan checking out her butt and I rolled my eyes, wanting to look at anything but him.

Mom took my hand and stroked the back of it.

"I heard there was trouble in paradise," she said. Logan looked away in embarrassment.

"Mom." I gave her a death glare.

"I'll let you guys talk it through." She stroked my arm.

Then she started walking away. But it would be too awkward to be here just with him. And I was surprised he hadn't said anything.

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