Emily - "Winnie I'm almost done getting every thing together". Me and Winnie have been watching Annabelle for 1 year and tonight we will pick her up in take her home.
Winnie - " Okay I'm done shopping I got a lot of cool stuff for her".
The stuff Winnie bought
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Winnie - We have this all planed out we grab her from the back and put a cloth over her nose that has sleeping potion on it the put her in her car seat and go home.
Emily - We pull out the drive way and drive all the way to Wisconsin From Austin,TX where she lives. When we get to Wisconsin we see her and follow throw with are plan.
Winnie - "I can't wait to dree sher up and play with her".
Emily - "We have to let her get settled first and make shore she understands ever thing".
I am a new writer so some chapter's will be very short But I hope you will read in and in joy what you read.😊