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this is really important to make sure you understand what's happening in the fic!

ok the first three chapters were short little prologues but this is where the real fun begins.

this is a taekook fic, which means it will be boy x boy, so if you don't like that sort of thing then please don't read this fic!

but if you're still reading then i'm guessing you're actually interested in this fic so i'm quickly going to go through a few things.

1.) first off, if your username on any platform is used in this i swear it was totally unintentional. some friends and i spent a while trying to come up with the perfect usernames for this fic and we really didn't have the time to go through every social media platform to look up these usernames.

2.) these accounts are simply edited templates and cropped images and i own none of the photos used in this fic at all. the templates belong to instagram and the posts themselves belong to whoever owns them.

3.) this fic will be updated every tuesday and thursday - "omg two updates in a week!" yeah it's because chapters are really short and stupid aha - so please don't badger me for updates :)

4.) this fic is strongly inspired by ultrajin's taekook fic 'boys online' and probably holds some similarities to it but i tried to differ my writing from her fic as best as i could i'm sorry :))

5.) for any of you a bit confused about the accounts or relationships between the characters, i'll quickly list off the gist

) for any of you a bit confused about the accounts or relationships between the characters, i'll quickly list off the gist

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all other accounts mentioned are just random ones used for like filters and also to make it seem like the boys actually have other friends lol

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all other accounts mentioned are just random ones used for like filters and also to make it seem like the boys actually have other friends lol.

ok so this is where it gets confusing. i swear i had to write it out so many times before i fully understood it myself so rip to all of you.

jungkook and v DON'T know eachother, but are both friends with jimin.

jimin and v are both childhood friends who grew up and went to school together in busan.

then jimin left for university (or college if you're american) in seoul, where he met jungkook.

v moved to daegu to study, where he met yoongi and became friends with him.

yoongi and jimin are a couple, and he is also friends with namjoon, jin and hobi who all study in daegu aswell.

jimin has met namjoon, jin and hobi before and is pretty good friends with them. so is v.

however, jungkook has never met them before, and has only seen yoongi a handful of times as he often visits around christmas.

to sum it all up;

jimin and jungkook are in seoul.
yoongi, v, hobi, jin and namjoon are in daegu.
none of them know jungkook apart from jimin and yoongi.

all good?

let's just say they're all 20-22 in this fic so it's believable. jungkook being 20 and jin being 22. idm where you put the rest of them lol.

my eyes and brain hurt from this already and it's barely even started yet hel p.

also you're gonna really hate me for this but i keep thinking taehyung's birthday is in october and went the whole fic thinking that and it's almost 100 chapters i want to cry so hard omg--

so please just pretend that taehyung's birthday is in october pleasepleaseplease tysm !

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