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omg jimin!!

i completely forgot about your physics exam!

i had a whole flipagram prepared and everything!

you're a mess taehyung 😂

it's fine honestly! the exam wasn't that bad all in all


i saw yoongi commenting on some guy's post earlier about how you were sweating ?¿

don't you know it's rude to read someone else's conversations?! 😣

teasing aside, i'm sure you did great!

you're a straight a student in nearly every subject, stop worrying!

thanks bud ☺

so how was your day?

it was quite boring actually

but is it bad for me to say that guy in the post hyung was commenting on is really cute??

:O !!


taehyung that's actually adorable

what is? all i said is that i thought he was cute 😔

do you like him?

dude i don't even know him

do you want to know him?


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