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"Taehyung,” Jungkook whispered into the darkness of the night, both boys upholding their position squished together on the couch.

To someone else, it may have looked uncomfortable but it was honestly the warmest place on Earth at the moment - at least that’s what Jungkook thought.

“Hm?” Taehyung hummed in response, running a hand down Jungkook’s back as his way of telling the younger he was listening.

“This is my first Christmas away from home,” he admitted quietly, and Taehyung shifted so he could look down at Jungkook while still being able to hold him tight.

“Mhm, you’ve always lived in Seoul?” The older asked, his voice gruff and hazy with sleep.

Jungkook nodded into his chest, arms tightening their grip around Taehyung’s chest like he was nervous to admit that.

“What was Christmas like with your family?” Taehyung asked hesitantly, knowing it was a very sensitive topic.

But Taehyung wasn’t heartless.

He knew Jungkook had a rough childhood, moving from home to home like that in his teens - which must’ve been crucial to his work ethic at school - but Taehyung wanted to emphasise that
Jungkook was able to talk to him about anything at all and not feel awkward about it.

“Uhh...I didn’t really...celebrate Christmas with anyone apart from Jimin,” he answered, voice muffled by Taehyung’s chest and the t-shirt situated loosely over his body.

Taehyung didn’t say anything, and Jungkook was glad about that. He didn’t want Taehyung to take pity on him - didn’t want anyone to take pity on him.

“Are you scared?” Taehyung finally asked after what felt like years of silence.

Jungkook laughed shyly, the sound bouncing right off of Taehyung’s chest and causing him to smile.

“A little.”

“Don’t be,” Taehyung responded almost immediately. “I don’t understand - why are you scared?”

Jungkook sighed, finally pulling his face away from Taehyung’s chest to look up at him in the pitch black darkness. He wasn’t even sure if he was looking at Taehyung.

“I don’t know,” he replied tiredly, and Taehyung fumbled to find the younger’s face in the darkness, running a thumb down his cheek when he did, comforting him. “What even is Christmas? What if there are some traditions I don’t know about? Like, do I have to say grace
before eating or do we have to sit around the table in a certain order? Do I have to take out my earrings or-”

Taehyung chuckled. A hearty sound that reverberated through Jungkook’s body and make his fingers and toes tingle.

“Kook, darling, you’re overthinking things again,” he said simply, and Jungkook sighed again. “You don’t have to do any of those things - and even if you do something wrong, none of us will
ridicule you. We’re all here to celebrate together and be together and nothing you do or say will determine what kind of person you are.

“We understand this is hard for you, Jungkook, and we’re here to make it better, ok? So stop worrying and try to enjoy the holidays, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Jungkook breathed out, like he was testing the word on his tongue before looking up at what he thought was Taehyung’s lips and leaning up to kiss them.

“That was my chin but ok,” Taehyung teased and Jungkook squirmed uncomfortably, going back to burying his face in the fabric of the t-shirt covering Taehyung’s chest.

“I can’t even kiss right,” Jungkook mumbled and Taehyung ran a hand through the younger’s brown locks, savouring each strand of hair that passed through his fingertips and how soft they felt.

“You’ll get there,” Taehyung reassured, despite still chuckling at Jungkook. “We do have three weeks of Christmas break, after all.”

“Yeah,” Jungkook nodded, shifting his body closer to Taehyung’s on the small couch, pushing his leg in between Taehyung’s and shivering at the warmth of Taehyung’s bare legs against his.

“Goodnight, Jungkook,” Taehyung whispered into his hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

“Goodnight, Taehyung,” Jungkook replied quietly, nuzzling his nose against Taehyung’s pectoral - his way of saying he was content with the situation he was in right now.

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