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I Looked At Jay As He Looked Down "I Know It's A lot To Take In...That's Why I've Been Trying To Be Distant. I Don't Want You To Get Hurt" I Said Softly.

"I Really Like You Beyoncé" He Said Looking Into My Eyes.

"But" I Said Lowly Looking Away. Preparing Myself For The Worse. Nothing Hurts Worse Than Words.

"And If You Think This Condition Is About To Keep Me Away From You, Then You Need To Try Harder" He Smiled.

I Bit My Lip Trying To Keep Myself From Crying But That Didn't Work. I Felt My Eyes Begin To Water Making My Vision Blurry Until I Blinked Causing Them To Fall.

Jay Hugged Me Tight "Fuck That Condition, Ever Since I Laid My Eyes On You In My Shop I Couldn't Keep Myself Away From You"

"I Don't Wanna Die In Your Arms Jay...I'm Scared" I Said Looking Into Eyes Feeling More Tears Fall Down My Cheeks.

"And You Won't" He Said Wiping The Tear That Fell Down My Cheek.

I Smiled Lightly"Thank You"

He Kissed My Forehead Softly. I Honestly Thought He Would Try To Kiss My Lips But This Was A Different Type Of Jay. This Was The Real Jay, And I Was Here For The Real Jay.

These Past Few Weeks Have Been Pretty Good. Now My Family Was Coming Down To Visit Us And I Couldn't Bare My Excitement For Much Longer. I Definitely Missed All Of Them And Needed Them By My Side. I Opened The Door And My Mother Pulled Me Into A Hug. "I Missed You So Much" I Said Squeezing Her Tight.

"Baby I Missed You More" She Said Releasing From The Hug. I Looked Over At Kelly "Hey Hey" She Said Followed By A Laugh. I Hugged Her And She Rubbed My Back.

"Come In Y'all!" I Said Helping Them With Their Bags.

"Oooo I Need A Tour" My Mama Said Looking Around My Home.

I Giggled "My House Isn't All That"

"It's Beautiful Bey" Kelly Assured.

"Thank You Thank You" I Said Bowing Causing Them To Giggle.

"Okay, This Is The Living Room And Ove-" The Front Door Began To Open. Amari Walked In With Jordan Behind Him And Jay Walking In Last.

"Grandma" Amari Smiled Walking Over To Her Giving Her A Hug. She Smiled "Hey, How's Grandma's Baby?" She Asked Before Kissing His Head.

"Grandma" Amari Groaned Looking Down. I Playfully Rolled My Eyes. "Boy Don't Be Trying To Act Fresh, I Made Your Favorite Cookies" She Said.

"Yes! Thanks Grandma. Come On Jordan" Amari Said.

"Umm Excuse You Amari" I Said Folding My Arms. Amari Froze Trying To Figure Out What I Was Hinting.

"Oh! Hey Auntie Kells" He Said Giving Her A Hug.

"Mhm, You've Gotten A Little Tall Too" Kelly Said Checking Him Out.

He Giggled "This Is My Friend Jordan And His Dad Jay" Amari Said.

"Hey Jordan" My Mama And Kelly Said In Unison.

"Good Afternoon" Jordan Said Before Amari Grabbed The Container Of Cookies Going To His Room With Jordan Behind Him.

Jay Smiled "Hello Everyone"

"This Is My Mom And My Best Friend" I Introduced, Jay Nodded Holding Out His Hand.

They Shook It "So Jay, Your Single?" Kelly Asked.

"I Was Going To Ask The Same Thing Kelly" My Mama Said Smiling.

Jay Chuckled Looking Down "Yes I Am"

"Hmm So Is Beyoncé" My Mama Said Raising Her Eyebrows Up And Down.

"Okay Mama You Can Get Settled In The Guest Room, Kelly My Room Is Over There" I Said Pointing To The Door Beside The Kitchen. Kelly Smirked At Me As She Collected Her Bags Going Into My Room.

"Nice Meeting You Jay" My Mama Said With A Bright Smile.

"Likewise" Jay Said As We Waited For Them To Go Their Separate Ways.

My Eyes Widen "I'm Sorry-"

"Nah It's Fine" He Laughed. Things Have Been Kind Of Weird Between Jay And I Since I Told Him About My Condition. I Thought He Would Try To Make A Move Or Something But I Guess He Wants To Stay Friends.

"Umm Thank You For Taking Amari Out Today" I Said.

"It's No Biggie, They've Become Close And Amari Is A Real Smart, Nice Kid. I Need Him Around Jordan"

I Nodded My Head Looking Down "Well I Think We Should Get Out Your Way Now That Family Is Here"

"Why Don't Y'all Stay For Dinner?" I Heard My Mom Say As She Walked Past Us.

Jay Looked At Me And I Turned To My Mom That Was Now In The Kitchen "Uh I Don't Know, I'm Pretty Sure Jay Has Stuff To Do-"

"I Don't Actually And I Don't Like Turning Down A Free Meal" He Smiled.

"Great, I'll Whip Something Up" My Mama Smiled As I Rolled My Eyes.

I Turned Back Towards Him "Make Yourself At Home" I Said.

Jay Smiled "Y'all Just Sit In The Living Room" My Mama Said Flinging Her Hands Back And Forth. I Smiled Looking Down "She Comes To My House And Tells Me Where To Go In...My Own House" I Said Placing A Piece Of My Hair Behind My Ear.

"Mama's Will Always Be Mama's" He Said As We Walked Into The Living Room Sitting On The Couch.

"TV?" I Asked Grabbing The Remote. Feeling The Palms Of My Hands Get Sweaty. I Don't Know Why I Was So Nervous.

"We Can Just Talk" He Suggested.

"How Have You Been?" He Asked.

"I've Been Good...We Haven't Hung Out In Awhile" I Said.

He Chuckled "I Know, I Miss That. The Barbershop Has Been Busy. I Have To Blame Instagram For That"

"Yeah A Lot Of Businesses Have Sky Rocketed Because Of It. It's A Good Platform" I Said.

"You Busy Tomorrow?" He Asked.

"Nope, I Get Off Around 5" I Replied.

"Movies? I Kinda Want To Watch My Little Pony's"

I Busted Out Laughing "Your Not For Real"

"Oh I'm So For Real" He Said.

I Covered My Mouth Still Laughing Up A Storm Shaking My Head. "I'm Not Watching That Movie" I Said.

"Well I Guess We Will Be Seeing Two Different Movies Then" He Shrugged.

I Smiled Shaking My Head Looking Into His Eyes. "You Are Something Else"

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