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"Aye You Got It" Jay Said As He Snapped A Picture Of Me. We Decided To Do A Whole Bunch Of Different Things Kind Of Like My Own Bucket List. First Up Was Going To Miami So Jay Decided To Stay In Some Expensive Hotel For The Weekend. I Honestly Was Trying To Figure Out How He Was Paying For All Of This Because I Offered But He Refused. It Was Our Last Night So I Had To Make It Memorable.

I Giggled "Let Me See" I Said Swimming Over To Him To Look At The Picture. It Was Night Time And No One Else Was In The Hotel Pool Except Us.

"Send This To Me" I Said.

"I'll Airdrop It To You" He Said.


He Chuckled "Just Give Me Your Phone"

I Shrugged. Jay Should Know By Now I'm Not Tech Savvy. Amari Is Always Showing Me Something New About My Phone Or Computer Everyday. I Walked Over To The Ledge Grabbing My Phone Passing It To Him. These Waterproof Cases Came In Handy But I Honestly Could Care Less Because I'm Not Attached To My Phone.

I Waited For Him To Send Me The Picture And He Placed Our Phones Down On The Ledge. "We Should Skinny Dip" I Smirked Raising My Eyebrows Up And Down.

Jay Looked A Bit Caught Off But He Smirked "You Ever Did It Before?" I Asked Swimming Close To Him.

"Nah But I'm Game. Ain't Nobody Else Here" He Said Looking Around.

I Don't Know What Was Getting Into Me Tonight But I Didn't Want It To Stop. I Took Off My Bathing Suite Top Then My Bottoms Throwing Them Out Of The Pool. I Seen Him Smirk.

"You Ain't Playing No Games Huh?" He Asked. From My Chest Down Was Still Under The Water Leaving Him Somewhat Curious Of How My Body Look.

"What You Scared Now?" I Heard Him Say Snapping Me Out Of My Thoughts. I Looked Down To See He Had Nothing On. I Looked To The Right To See His Swimming Trucks Next To My Bikini. Now He Was Standing In Front Of Me.

I Felt His Lips Kissing On My Neck, I Closed My Eyes. Feeling His Tongue Letting Me Know He Was Going Suck On It Like A Vampire. I Bit My Lip Rubbing My Hands All Over His Fresh Fade. I Couldn't Help But Think Of The Other Night At My House When I Confessed My Feelings To Jay.

"St-...Let's Stop" I Said, His Lips Released From My Neck Hearing A Smack Noise. I Looked Into His Eyes "I'm Sorry...I'm Not In The Mood Anymore" I Said Softly. I Knew I Had Ruined The Night.

"Oh...Okay" He Said Rubbing His Head. Backing Up A Bit. Now It Was Awkward Because We Were Naked And Not All Over Each Other.

"I'm Gonna Go To The Bathroom" He Said Getting Out The Pool Making Sure To Hide His Dick. I Watched Him Put His Trunks On Drying Off Before Walking Inside The Hotel. I Quickly Put My Bikini Back On And Dried My Hands Off To Call Amari. I Missed My Baby, I Know I Was Only An Hour Away But I Couldn't Help Myself.

"Hey Ma" I Heard Him Say After My Phone Rung A Couple Of Times.

"Hey, What You Doing?" I Asked Placing The Towel Over My Cold Body.

"Whooping Dad In NBA 2K" He Simply Said, I Could Hear Mack In The Background Yelling 'That's Not True'. I Smiled Lightly "Did Your Father Actually Get You Some Real Food?" I Asked.

Amari Began To Laugh "We Actually Made Our Own Little Pizzas"

"Oh Okay, Good. Well I'll Be Back Tomorrow And We Can Get Last Minute School Stuff" I Said. Amari Was Starting School Next Week Monday And I Was Scared But Excited For Him. One Of My Worst Fears For Amari Even Before He Was Born Was For Him To Be Bullied. School Can Be A Horrible Place, I've Been Bullied A Lot In Elementary Up To Middle School.

"Okay Jordan Said He Rides The Same Bus As Me Too" Amari Said.

"Good, You And Jordan Getting Close Huh?" I Said

He Chuckled "Yeah Ma, We're Basically Best Friends. Why You Say That?"

I Shook My Head "No Reason. Just Glad You Have A Friend Down Here"

"Mooooom...You Make It Seem Like I Never Make Friends" He Defended.

I Smiled "I Know Baby, I Was Just Saying"

"We're Like Brothers. Hopefully Jay And You Can Get Married So We Can Actually Be Brothers" Amari Said. Speaking Of The Devil Jay Had Entered And I Turned.

"So You Like Him?" I Asked. I Haven't Gotten A Chance To Talk To Amari About How He Felt About Jay.

"Yeah He's Cool. And Jordan Said He Talks About You All The Time" Amari Said.

I Smiled Brightly "He Does Huh?"

Amari Chuckled "Yes Ma No Need To Be Feeling Yourself"

I Playfully Rolled My Eyes "Boy Bye...I'm Going To Go. I Love You"

"Love You Too, See You Tomorrow" He Said.

"Alright Bye" I Said Hanging Up.

"You Okay?" Jay Asked. I Turned To Face Him
Locking My Phone.

"I'm Alright"

Jay Sat Down Placing Only His Feet In The Pool. I Joined Him, I Wasn't In The Mood To Go In The Pool Either.

"What Was Up Earlier?" He Asked.

"I Can't Get The Thought Of You Not Loving Me Out Of My Head"

"Truth Is I Think What Amelia Said Is Just Getting To Me Even Though It's At The Back Of My Head" He Said

"What Did She Say?"

He Looked At Me "That I Was Moving Too Fast"

"Do You Feel Like We're Moving Too Fast?" I Asked.

He Shrugged "I Don't Know...I'm Trying To Get To Know You In The Time Fra-"

"I Get It" I Said Not Wanting To Hear Him Finish His Sentence.

"This Is Why I Didn't Want A Relationship" I Said More To Myself Getting Up.

"Don't Say That" I Heard Jay Said. I Turned Around Feeling Tears In My Eyes Beginning To Fill Up.

"I'm Dying...Okay? I Shouldn't Have Dragged You Into All This I Shouldn't Have Gotten Close To You And Now Amari And- And Jordan Wants Us To Be Married. But I Don't Think I Can Make It That Long-"

"Don't Talk Like That" He Said Reaching For My Embrace But I Backed Up.

"Your Afraid Of Loving The Dying Girl...Is That Why You Don't Love Me?" I Asked Looking Down. I Couldn't Even Look Him In The Eye.

"No Beyoncé Stop! Your Going To Fight This Fucking Shi-"

"I'm Not Jay Can't You Realize This Shit?!" I Shouted. I Could Tell He Was Thrown Off And Not Expecting Me To Yell In His Face. "I Only Have A Few Months To Live...Maybe Even Less"

"I Don't Realize This Shit Because You've Only Told Me Half Of What's Going On" He Said.

I Clenched My Teeth "I Have A Rare Brain Condition...At Times I Blame Myself For Not Getting Check Ups Yearly. At Other Times I Blame God For Making Me Leave My Son At Such A Young Age. I Don't Get To See Him Graduate, Get Married, Have His First Child...I Just..." I Closed My Mouth As The Tears Began To Stream Down My Face. I Tried To Hold It In But Once I Felt Jays Arms Around My Body I Broke Down.

"I Don't Care What The Doctors Said" I Heard Him Say Lowly.

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