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It Was Our First Time Eating Together And Staying In This Home, Even Though He Was Leaving In A Few To Stay With His Father It Didn't Shake Me. I Was Going To See Him On Sunday Night.

"So Are You Going To Date Again?" Amari Asked Making Me Almost Choke On My Food.

I Drunk Some Of My Water Looking Into His Eyes. I Could Tell He Was Serious "Eventually But Not Now" I Said. I Continued To Eat My Food "Why Did You Ask?" I Said.

"I Was Just Curious. I'm Glad Your My Guardian" Amari Said. I Nodded My Head Agreeing With Him As Someone Knocked On The Front Door. I Got Up To Answer It, Tristian Chucked His Head Up At Me Letting Me Know 'What's Up'.

"Hello" I Said Stepping Aside. I Closed The Door "Your Early" I Heard Amari Say As I Made My Way To The Dinning Room.

"Is That A Problem?" Tristan Said With A Little Attitude. It Wasn't My Business To But In.

"Well Can You Wait In The Living Room Or Something? I'm Not Done Eating" Amari Said.

"No You Better Take Your Plate To Go. I Got Shit To Do" Tristian Said. Amari Looked Down Slowly Getting Up From The Dinning Table.

"Stay Right There Amari, Let Me Holla At You In The Kitchen" I Said To Tristian.

Tristian Smirked Shaking His Head But Following Me Inside The Kitchen "Look, I Know Your Not Happy At How Things Went But You Can't Take Your Frustration Out On Your Child. We Were Once Friends So Don't Act Like I Don't Know You Mack, You Were Like A Brother To Me You Can't Be Acting Like This It's Just Getting Old Man" I Said. Tristian Twisted His Face.

"Nigga What?"

"Amari And I Are Having Dinner. You Said You'll Come At 8:00 It's Only 7:06 That's Not Fair. Respect People's Time. That's Why Amari Told You To Be Here At 8:00 Because He Knew Dinner Was Going To Be On The Table At 7:00" I Explained.

"Something Came Up And He Was On The Way So Instead Of Passing Him To Get To Where I Need To Go It's Easier Picking Him Up On The Way To Where I Need To Go"

"You Could Have Went To Your Destination And Then On Your Way Back From There Picked Him Up. But You Could Have Called First To Inform Amari" I Said.

"Now You Telling Me How To Raise My Son?"

I Looked Down Folding My Arms "Mack Amari Is Like A Son To Me. I Am His Legal Guardian, If I-"

"You Think I Care About A Damn Piece Of Paper?!" Tristian Yelled.

"Lower Your Tone-"

Mack Sucked His Teeth Moving Past Me "Getcha Shit We Leaving Come On!"Tristian Yelled. I Walked Out Of The Kitchen Watching Amari Get Up Looking At Me. I Just Watched Amari Get His Things Heading Towards The Door. I Know Amari Was Looking For Me To Do Something But Tristan Has Him For The Weekends.

I Watched As They Both Walked Out Of The House And Mack Sped Out Of The Drive Way And Down The Street.
I Was Awaken Out Of My Sleep Hearing The Front Door Close. It Wasn't Amari Because He Was Still At His Dads So I Got Up Quietly As The TV Still Played. I Grabbed My Gun Out Of The Safe And Opened The Door To See Amari. It Looked As If He Was About To Knock On My Door, I Exhaled "Boy You Scared Me" I Said With A Light Chuckle. Amari Moved Past Me Making Me Turn, The Light Of The TV Let Me See His Face Clearly And Now I Was Heated.

"Tristian?" I Asked. Amari Nodded His Head And I Put My Gun Behind Me.

"Let Me Get You A Ice Pack" I Said Going To The Kitchen To Open The Freezer. I Handed It To Him "When Did He Do This?" I Asked.

"Last Night ...He Was Mad. Really Mad About Yesterday" Amari Said As He Placed The Ice Pack On His Face. I Couldn't Even Look Him In His Face, His Eye Was Swollen And Purple His Lip Busted.

"How Did You Get Here?" I Asked.

"I Had To Sneak Out When He Left. I Took A Uber" He Said Softly.

"Is He At His Crib?" I Asked. Amari Nodded His Head "Stay Here And Don't Answer The Door For No One Aight?" I Said Looking At Him In His Face.

Amari Nodded His Head And I Gave Him A Look "Okay" He Said. I Grabbed My Phone, Keys And Made Sure I Was Still Strapped. I Left Out Of The House Speeding To Tristians House. After Awhile I Pulled Up Seeing His Car In The Driveway. I Didn't Even Close My Door Or Turn Off My Car. I Was Heated, I Knocked On Tristan's Door.

"Where The Hell You Bee- Sha-" I Punched Him Dead In His Face Causing Him To Loose His Balance. I Slammed The Front Door Close And Tristian Held His Nose As Blood Began To Stream Down His Face.

"What The Fuck Is Your Problem?!" He Yelled. I Kicked Him In His Balls Watching Him Fall To The Floor Screaming Out In Pain.

"So You Think It's Cool To Beat Up Your Son?" I Said Calmly.

"Fuck You Bitch" He Said, I Kicked Him In His Rib Cage A Few Steps Hearing Hims Scream Out In Pain. I Got On Top Of Him Punching Him, He Grabbed My Neck And I Tried To Go For His But He Flipped Us Over.

I Was Loosing Breath And Could Feel Sweat Streaming Down My Face. "You Come Into My House Yelling Shit Like You Run Shit Around Here!" Tristian Yelled. I Tried Reaching His Face But I Couldn't, I Looked Around To See If Something Was In My Reach. I Saw The Lamp That Stood On The Small 'Night Stand' I Pulled The Cord Causing The Lamp To Fall. I Felt Tristian Let Go Of My Neck Only To Punch Me In My Face, Tristan Leaned Down And I Head Butted Him Causing Him To Fall Over. I Got Up And Kicked Him A Couple Of Times "Don't Put Your Hands On Amari Again Or I Swear To God You Won't Live" I Said As I Pulled Out My Gun Pointing It To Him. Tristian Shook His Head As His Hands Covered His Face.

"I Should Shoot You Right Now...You Lucky Your Son Love You That's The Only Thing Keeping You Alive" I Said Out Of Breath.

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