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"You Know What Your Mom Would Want?" I Asked Amari. He Turned To Me Putting The Phone To His Chest "Your Supposed To Know That" He Laughed. I Placed My Arm Around His Neck Playfully Roughing Him Up.

Amari Chuckled "Just Get Her Ten Piece Lemon Pepper Wings With Fries And A Fruit Punch" 

I Nodded My Head. He Said Goodbye To Whoever He Was Talking To On The Phone And Looked At Me. "When Are You Going To Marry My Mom?"

"That Was Random" I Said Followed By A Chuckle. He Shrugged His Shoulders "I Want To See Her Marry Someone She Loves Before She's Gone" He Said Softly.

I Licked My Lips "I Understand Amari, But I Don't Think Your Mom Wants That To Happen So Fast" I Said Thinking Back To Our Conversation We Had.

"Do You Love Her?" He Asked. Now What Do I Said To Him?

"I-..." I Looked Into His Eyes As He Looked Into Mine Confused.

I Heard Someone Say "Next" And I Turned To See The Guy Behind The Register Look At Me. I Walked Up Taking The Order Then Paid And Stepped To The Side To Wait For The Order To Be Finished.

Amari Was Now Sitting Down In One Of The Chairs. I Sat Next To Him. "Look, What Me And Your Mom Have Is Special. It's Special To Me And It's Special To Her. I Know You Want The Best For Your Mom...And I Love Her " I Said Finally Fixing The Words To Say It.

Amari Smiled Lightly "You Should Just Marry Her...You Love Her She Loves You...I Think"

I Chuckled "She Loves Me"

"Well I Say Go For It" He Said.

"It's Not That Simple Man"

"I Say Do It For Love And What You Think" He Said.

I Cocked My Head Back Looking At Him With A Small Smirk "How You Know What I Think?"

"Because My Mom Has Always Taught Me Not To Rush Into Things. Your Probably Thinking Your Rushing Into Things. Love Doesn't Have A Time Stamp...Neither Does Weddings" He Shrugged.

"Who Told You Love Doesn't Have A Time Stamp?" I Asked.

"My Grandpa. He's Always Telling Me Stuff" He Replied. I Nodded My Head.

I Heard My Name Being Called For The Order And I Grabbed The Two Bags Filled With Food While Amari Grabbed The Bag Of Drinks. We Left Out Of The Restaurant And Into The Car And Were On Our Way Back To Beyoncé's House.

"Would I Live With My Dad After My Mom Is Gone?" He Asked.

I Cleared My Throat. I Didn't Think This Was A Conversation For Me, It Just Wasn't My Place To Answer That. "I Would Assume"

"Well...I Don't Want To. I Would Rather Live With My Grandma On My Moms Side. But I Don't Want To Leave Florida" He Said.

"Why You Don't Want To Live With Your Dad?"

"He's Not Responsible...He's More Like A Big Brother To Me. He Lets Me Do Whatever I Want. I Can't Handle That Type Of Environment For The Rest Of My Life" He Said. I Could See Bey In Amari So Much, I Don't Know If He's Always Been This Mature But He Definitely Was A Responsible Smart Kid.

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