Chapter 2

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Some days I couldn't believe that some women acted the way those two were. I walked into the bathroom and it was in chaos. From what I could understand from the other ladies in the room was that the one of the fighters was the ex-girlfriend and she happened to see her ex with his new girl whom he had cheated on her with. So of course, that meant that she had to follow her into the bathroom and give her a piece of her mind. With the help of the friends I was able to separate the two and explain that they either left on their own or they would be riding in the back of a police car on their way to jail. Thankfully they went with the better option and the ex left while the new girl went to find the man she was with so they could leave. With that little bit of action done I was now on my way back up to the VIP room. As I reached the top of the stairs I could hear the guys laughing at something and it might come off as corny but those laughs were the sweetest carefree laughs I have ever heard.

"What's so funny?"

I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me walking back to my spot next to Jay.

"Nothing really, Loco was just showing us this video of a guy trying to capture a rodent with his cat. It was pretty funny when he started to scream and the cat was trying to escape but the door was closed."

I looked at Gray not really believing him, it sounded weird to know that Loco would be looking at videos like that. I looked at Loco who was sitting next to me with a big smile on his face that just about reached his eyes. I smiled and shook my head. I guess Loco is the crazy cat video guy out of the group. Most groups of friends always have that one friend who liked to watch crazy cat videos online, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised that Loco was that friend.

"So Sarah, Bobby was filling us in on a little bit of info about you."

My head shot to Jay and he could probably see some anxiety in my eyes, Bobby was like an older brother to me. That man has seen me at my silliest, drunkest, and lowest times of my life.

"Oh god, please tell me he didn't say anything embarrassing about me."

"No he was pretty straight forward and kept to the basics. Why are there some good stories he has about you?"

I started to shake my head and my hands in the air.

"No, no good stories there. Nothing that would be interesting."

"I don't know, sounds like he might have some good ones based on your reaction. I might have to have a little talk with him."

Jay started to get up from his seat and I jumped up and grabbed his arm.

"Now now you don't want to go bug that man. He is probably busy with something or another. I am an open book really. If you ever wanna know something all you need to do is ask."

Jay smiled and sat back in his chair and I let go of his arm, happy to avoid any kind of embarrassing info being leaked out to Jay. I might never see this man again but he didn't have to know all the embarrassing stories of my life. Once you get Bobby talking about my embarrassing moments he doesn't let up, what big brother passes up the chance to make his baby sister cringe away with embarrassment.

"Well Sarah, why don't you tell me why you don't want to use the help of the other moms? They want to make your dream come true, they want to send you on your dream trip."

Damn you Bobby.

"It's not that I don't appreciate their help and the love they have for me, I really am appreciative for everything. I just really want to do it on my own. I would rather they use that money for something for the community then just me. I have just about all the money I need to go now. It's just finding the right time with work."

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