Chapter 13

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It's been a couple of days since I got out of the hospital. My fever has finally gone away and other then some sneezes and a sore throat I am on the mend. For the first few days being back at work Gray has been coming around more and not really letting me do much. When I get there in the morning and start setting things up to work he comes rushing in to bring me some vitamins that he found out about.

"Sarah the internet says you need to be taking vitamins, I asked around and these are supposed to be the best around."

I never fought him on the vitamins because I knew I needed to take some but just hadn't gotten around to doing any research. Outside of that he makes sure I am eating all my meals and doesn't let me walk outside if I don't need to. He has been really sweet and I hate that in the end all of this will be for nothing because I still planned on leaving. I really wish he wouldn't put so much effort in when I know he understands why I need to leave, it's like he is staying blind to all of this. Gray is so determined to help me with everything that he is even accompanying me to my first OB visit.

When we arrived at the hospital we made sure that we were kept out of the sight of everyone and was shown to a room right away. During the physical examination Gray stepped outside to give me some privacy but once that part was over he came back inside. The doctor rolled over the ultrasound machine and squirted some rather cold jelly onto my stomach before moving the wand around. She pushed the monitor to us and turned on the volume, the sound of a quick heartbeat filled the room.

"That little bean right there is the fetus, you are measuring right on track."

The doctor printed a picture of the baby and put it in the pregnancy book she was giving me.

"Now I want you to make sure you take some kind of prenatal vitamin every day."

"Don't worry doctor, I already picked her up some and I make sure she takes it every day."

"That's good to hear, now also make sure you are eating well rounded meals too."

"I make sure she eats three meals a day and that she isn't eating anything that the baby book says she shouldn't eat."

"Wow, it's nice to see a daddy so involved in the pregnancy. You have a good one, you are very lucky."

I smiled at the doctor not really able to get a word in as Gray started asking her a million questions about the growth and the baby's development over the next couple of months. Once he had all his questions answered the doctor stood to leave and we thanked her everything. I made another appointment before we left the doctor's office.

"You read baby books?"

Gray was driving me back home and I couldn't help but ask him why he had read a baby book.

"Of course, I did, I wanted to know all there was so I can help you."

"Gray you know you shouldn't be getting invested like this."

"Have you read any baby books yet?"

"Well no, I was waiting until I saw the doctor."

"Let's go get you some."

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