Chapter 10

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Saturday morning came and it was even more hectic than I thought it would be. I arrived at the venue and was rushed into the back area where I was washed, buffed, and waxed. I never imagined they did these kinds of things for a fashion show, I had always figured the people showed up and went into hair and makeup before being thrown into the clothes. I was given the undergarments that would go well with the clothes before they made me try on each outfit making sure there were no last-minute alterations. When they were satisfied that everything fit properly they put us in silk robes and had us do a mock run on the catwalk while they also did the sound check and lighting. All of the girls and guys participating in the show were very friendly and helped me with any questions I had about the process.

When it was getting closer to the show they had us all gather in the back so Ji Soo could give her speech about how much this meant to her and how much she appreciated all of us being here with her. The music started and it was our cue to get in our first set of clothes.


When we arrived at the venue we took our time walking down the red carpet stopping for pictures here and there. Some wanted pictures of the AOMG team as Gray, Loco, and Chase had also joined me being that Sarah was in the show and Gray was set to perform at the after party. Other reporters wanted pictures of me with Beam, she of course was also invited and tagged along with me not wanting to miss the opportunity to be captured on film hanging off my arm. This little arrangement I had with her was starting to bore me, when I first started this it was only to help me distance myself from Sarah and rid her from my mind. Baem was only supposed to be a distraction but then I was offered a spot on a show and things just got complicated from there. All I wanted to do was cut my ties with this woman, I hated how she was acting thinking something more would come from this. I knew her goal and like hell would I ever settle down with this woman, her nickname fitted her perfectly because she really was a snake. I was still very much confused with everything going on between Sarah and me, I very much so wanted her every time I saw her but I knew it wasn't a good idea. Plus there was the issue of Gray, he was infatuated with her and I hated that me pushing her away only pushed her into his arms. I wanted her to be happy but damn it if the sight of those two together didn't make me extremely jealous.

The flashing lights from the cameras brought me back to the present as Baem tugged on my arm leading me towards the entrance to the venue. We were shown to our seats which were front row giving us the best view possible of the catwalk. The music was playing a mixture of hip hop and some remixes of other pop songs but making them sound a little more edgy then the original version. I sat next to Baem and Gray sat next to me followed by Loco and Chase.

"Jay baby will you buy me some clothes?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you have your own money?"

"I do but it will look and feel better when I know my boyfriend bought them for me."

"Fine, I will buy you one outfit. Baem don't be like those other women out there living off their man's money. My money needs to be spent on more important things then items for you. God this is why I don't date."

Baem's hand started to snake its way up my arm to my neck where she tried to pull my face to hers but I held back. "Don't say that, I will give you a little reward later tonight."

I knew she was trying to sound sexy but it only made my skin crawl for some reason. The sex between us these days hasn't even been enough to keep me entertained, hell my dick isn't even getting hard thinking about this reward. "Don't worry about it."

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