Chapter 6

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I awoke to the sound of the front door closing. I groggily looked over to my night stand to see what time it was. It was late in the morning and not yet afternoon. I pulled the blankets closer to my face thinking about the other night. I still didn't understand why Jay had carried me to my room last night. I would have been perfectly fine on the floor with Gray and Loco. But when he looked down on me as he brushed the hair from my face I couldn't find it in me to argue with him. The warm feeling of his hand on my face just made me feel at peace, as if that's all I needed in order to sleep well. I knew the direction my feelings for him were going, I really didn't want them to mess with the work relationship we had but damn it if he didn't make it impossible to not see him in that light every single time he was sweet to me. I laid there letting my mind drift to dangerous thoughts of a relationship we could have. It was dangerous because the more I thought of it the more I wanted it and that's something we won't ever have.

Instead of just lying there making myself emotional I decided to get up and see if the guys had all left. I walked out to the living room and sure enough the blankets were all folded up and sitting on the couch but Gray and Loco were not there. I went to the couch and collected the blankets making sure to put them away and fix up the living room from our movie night. I then set to the task of making some food for Jay and me. I have yet to see him ever eat at home and figured he hasn't had a good home cooked meal in a long time. I didn't get to extravagant with the food and just kept to the basics. I imagine it was the smell of the cooking meat that brought Jay to the kitchen rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He sat at the kitchen counter looking like he could easily fall back asleep. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was while I grabbed him a nice hot cup of coffee.

"Good morning sunshine."


"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Hey next time make sure you take yourself to your bed before you fall asleep, it won't be good for you to fall asleep on the floor. You could hurt your back or you could get sick."

"I won't, but thank you for that."

I went back to cooking the rest of the breakfast as Jay sat there drinking his coffee watching me. I plated us both some food and joined him at the counter to eat. We both sat in a comfortable silence just eating our food, neither of us were fully awake enough to carry on a long conversation when one wasn't needed. When we were both done eating I went to collect our plates and to clean up but Jay stopped me.

"I will clean up since you cooked. Why don't you go get washed up and then we can talk about the songs."

I thanked him and went off to collect my clothes before walking into the bathroom to shower.


It didn't take me long to clean up the kitchen and decided I should probably also shower. Once I had on my sweatpants and a shirt I went back out to the living room and I sat on the couch looking at some emails while I waited for Sarah to come out of her room. She had been in there for a while and I was starting to wonder if she fell back asleep when I heard her door open and her footsteps come down the hall. I looked up to see her in an oversized shirt and pajama shorts, she looked adorable and I smiled at her as I patted the spot on the couch next to me. I was a little hurt when she sat down a little farther from me but then even more surprised when she went to rest her head in my lap instead of sitting down. I just looked down at her with a surprised look on my face that must have looked a little panicked because she went to sit up. I pushed her head back down and told her its fine.

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