12 Peace?

371 10 14

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The two sat on the bed together on the bed, cuddled up.

Mark was wrapped in a blanket of Jack, securely in his chest. They watch a movie on the TV Ace baught for Mark's room a year ago.

Of course, it was Ratatouille, Mark's favorite movie. Jack found it extremely adorable that Mark's favorite movie is a classic Disney movie. The Korean sipped away at his tea, deeply focused in the movie.

"Man. . .this last month has been crazy." Jack starts the conversation.

"Yeah, one minute I'm a new kid in a strange school and the next im cuddling my boyfriend after dying in a battle with Ace's dead sister." Mark said, putting his tea on his nightstand. "Ye, can't believe he's magic." Jack says.

"I've known him for years and i still can't believe i never thought of that before." Mark said. "Do you think there's signs that we missed?" Jack asks. "Most definitely." Mark says.

The two sigh in incision, body's relaxing into one another's.

Jack pecks Mark's neck, giving teasing nips every so often. Mark giggles at the actions, a light blush over this cheeks.

Everything was so passionate, sweet, and love filled. It was perfect, aleast for them. In thier own lil' world, nothing could ruin thier tender moment.

That is until a slam of Mark's bedroom, startling both out of thier dream world.

Stood in the door way was to furious adults, eye's glaring razor daggers of disgust and hate. "What is this!?" The angered woman shouts.

Before Mark could utter a word, the man he called father spoke, "What did you teach you fag! You should know better!!" "No!!!" Mark yells, anger, fear, and a sudden burst of courage clouding the teen pastels mind.

The silence was thick and it was practically suffocating Mark.

". . .what did you say?" The mother mutters the idiotic question. "I-i said no, i do know better. I know that it's okay to be like girls a-and guys, to be bi, to be anything. But it's not okay to listen to you two sick fucks!" Mark spats at his birth givers.

"We tried to fix you, you ungrateful asshole!!" His dad shouts. "No, all you ever did was beat me and attempt to make me fuck horny hookers you paid!!! How would that help anybody?!" Mark yells back. That's when his mom stomps the ground, shutting everyone to silence.

"You. .you, FAGGOT BITCH! YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL YOUR SINS!!" She screams, grasping the nearest item, that being a lamp, and charging at Mark will full rage.

Mark crossed his arms, bracing himself for the smashing pain of glass to meet his sensitive skin. But that stinging pain never met.

He opens his shut lids, gasping at the scene. Jack had clasped his mother wrist mid swing, his face molded with pure annoyance and anger. He violently twisted her wrist, a cracking sound followed by her screaming.

She dropped the lamp, the material smashing into pieces on the ground.

Jack had broken her wrist. The husband ran to her side, holding her shoulders. He growled, "you fucking cunt."

He swings at Jack, a swing Jack blocked and counter attacked with a uppercut.

The father fell with a loud thud, being knocked out cold. Jack growls, getting off the bed and towering over the mom.

"You listen 'er, if Mark tells me ye or yer dick head husband does anythin' else to him, i won't hesitate t' brake every bone in yer disgustin' ass body." He threats. The lady whimpers and lays next to her unconscious husband. Jack turns over to Mark.

"C'on, lets pack yer things and split this hell." Mark nods quickly, following his boyfriend as they stuffed suitcases and bags of Mark's stuff.

"Wait, where will i go? And what about Ace?" Mark asks, as Jack tosses the packaging into his brother's car he borrowed. "You'll live with me." He simply answers.

Mark gasped, "will you parents allow that?" "Of course. Me second eldest sister is leaveing for college tomorrow, so there'll be a free room. Besides," Jack wraps his arm around Mark's hips, "ye can sleep with me." Mark blushes and hides his face in his sweater paws.

"Y-your such a-a perv!!!" Mark giggles out.


"Welcome t' my baile!" Jack shouts, welcoming Mark to his home. Mark didn't understand Jack, but assumed that he said home or something like that.

A kind appearing lady came into the living room where they entered, a wide smile on her face. "Welcome home Sean!!" She says, embracing Jack. "Good t' be back Ma'." Jack said, pulling away.

"Oh, i don't believe I've met ye before, what's yer name stanger?" She asks, noticing Mark behind her son.

"Ma, this is Mark." Jack introduced, to which Mark shyly waved. "Oh!!! Mairk! I've 'eard so much 'bout ye!!" She squeals, embracing Mark in a excited hug.

"Jack talks about me?" Mark asks, a faint flush covering his cheeks. "Of course!!! It seems like Jack jus' can't stap yappin' 'bout ya." Jacks mother says, pulling away. "Maa. . ." Jack whines, covering his face.

"It's fine Jack, it's really cute you that talk about me." Mark said, looking down as he feels his face redden.

Jack smiles, lightly gripping Mark's chin with his index finger and thumb, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. A quite applause brings the two apart, glancing at the clapping mom.

"Anyway, Ma, what i needed to ask is if Mark and Ace can stay with us, y'know, cus of their abusive parents." Jack asks, holding Mark close. "Sean William," Jack freezes at the middle name card, "don't ask such stupid questions, of course they can!" Jack sighs, "c'mon, I'll show ye my room."

As the two make their way up the stairs with Mark's luggage, the Irish lady shouts, "use a condom!! And be easy with the laddy!!!"

"MA!" Jack shouts back in embarrassment. Mark giggles, finding the situation adorable.


After a few minutes, all Mark's stuff was unpacked and sorted out. Now the two were cuddling together on their bed. Mark sighed, "i never thought i would be free of their wrath, thank you so much Jack."

"It was 'bout time you stood up t' those fuckers. I'm so proud of you." Jack says, pulling Mark closer to him.

"You've been going through sooo much, you deserve some rnr." Jack mutters, licking his lips. He plants tender kisses on his neck, finding the little whimpers Mark gave adorable.

He reaches down to Mark's zippers on his white jeans. . and then Mark's ring tone go's off. Jack groans, "cock block." Mark giggles, picking up the phone.


"Mark Fishbach, you are being sued for assault and are expected to be seen at court next week."

I didn't try very hard with this chapter :/

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