8 Ace'es Blackmail business

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3rd pov

The midnight colored bike parked in dark allyway.

"Quickly, follow me." Ace instructed the two males, hopping of the stole motorbike. The two shakily get off the said vehicle, Mark with a look of fainting.

"Wow. . .why haven't you introduced us before? I love him!" Jack said excitedly. Mark glared at him, a pout on his lips. Jack chuckled and the two followed the young purple haired fellow.

Ace walk over to the brick wall of the ally, leaving the two seniors confused.

"Um, Ace, maybe you haven't full recovered from that incident." Jack says, feeling slightly awkward. "You may be able see, but you are truly blind to the eye." Ace said, pushing a brick back, causing a secret door to open.

The two were shocked. "C'mon, this only lasts for 30 seconds." He says, the three of them running in. The entered a large dark room, full of monitors.

The two older gentlemen looked around in awe at the room.

"This is the cam room, this is where someone stays to watch my meet ups with customers. That way if some does something suspicious that I can't see, they can alert me by pressing a button." Ace explains the works. "You bought and made all this?" Mark asks, still gawking over the setup.

"Yep, this is where you two will be staying while I tend to my interview." Ace said, pressing a botton, opening yet another secret door. "Remember, your my eyes, anything suspicious, alert me, okay?" Ace says, leaving. The two watched through the screens as the young guy walked to a leather rolling chair.

He plopped down, flipping his hood up, hiding his face.

Suddenly, another door opened, a male stepping in, the door shutting behind him. Ace smirked at the male, knowing what he was here for.

"Caden Harris." He spoke, voice lowing an octave. Jacks eye's widend. "What?" Mark asked, confused.

"That's the school bully." Jack said.

The two watched much more intensely. "So, whattcha back for this time?" Ace asks, smirk still placed.

"A file of one of the students at my school." He states. Ace'es head tilted. "Description?" He asks.

"Mark Fishbach, male, 17, pastle, new kid." The two males gasp, even Ace lost his smirk, Caden taking a notice.

"You seem a lil surprised." the bully teased, "Maybe this is the one case you refuse?" Ace'es hand tailed down to a draw, opening it quick.

He swifty trailed his fingers over the files in the draw, effortlessly snatching one with the name, 'Mark Edward Fishbach'. "I never refuse a case." He facts, holding the file in the air. Caden's smirk widend, he reached for the file, but Ace jerked it back quickly, "Ah ah ah."

Caden gave a frustrated and anoyed look.

"Why don't you tell me why you want this here file?" Ace asks, teasingly waving it. Caden scowled.

"That's none of your concern." He sneered, reaching for the file again, Ace pulling it back more. "Alright, listen here you flying fuck." Ace starts. "Either you can make your life easier and just tell me right now, or you can not and I'll find out myself, and get pissed off that you didn't tell me. And I think we both know what happens when I'm angry." Ace threats, showing one of his. . .purple eyes?

Caden shook violently, fear filling his white eyes.

"F-fine, I find this particular guy. .interesting." He said. "Interesting how?" Ace asks.

"I answered your question, now hand over the file." Caden says, tossing a stack of cass onto the table. "600, like I promised," Caden started, "Now, the file." Ace layed the file in front of him, sliding it up to Caden.

"Take it." Caden snatched the file.

"Pleasure doing business with you." He said. "Get out of my sight." Ace sneered, a flash of purple seen under his hood and Caden feld the sence, leaving the three alone.

Ace stood up, taking the wad of cash and walking back to the door, pressing a botton to open it. He stepped in, fiddling with the green paper. "How could you Ace!?" Mark shouts, feel betrayed by the young sir.

"Mark, listen, this is my job, I can't refuse anything."

"That was my file! How could you just give it to some stanger?!" Mark yelled, tears building up. "He's not a stranger, he's a regular. His name is Caden Harris, male, 18, jock, 4th year at the school." Ace explains.

"So!? He's still a random stranger to me!" Mark shouts. "It wasn't personal info, just basic, like things people would know if they spent a day with you." Ace says, stuffing the money into a wallet. "What if that was a personal file, hun? Would you still give it to him!?" Mark asks, tears falling down his flushed red face.

Ace stayed silent, Mark knew what that ment.

"I can't believe you would give away my personal life!" Mark screams. "No, I would Mark! It's hard to explain." Ace said.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!!" Mark screams, smashing a botton and rushing out of the room. Ace and Jack were shocked. It wasn't like the pastel to curse, nor shout, so doing both left them speechless.

Jack suddenly felt rage.

"What is wrong with ya?!" He yells, "Mark has had enough shit in 'is life and he doesn't need you to make more!" "Jack, seriously, It's just hard to explain. I-"

"Don't even try that shite with me! Don't ever show your face to me or Mark again!" Jack screams and also leaves the building. Ace was now left alone, with the words of Mark still ringing in his head. Suddenly, he fell to his knee's, a migraine hitting him hard.

He screams out, desperately gripping the table of the that held all the cams.

He shakily forced herself up, looking into the one shut off monitors.

Purple eye's

A insane giggle left the creepy smile forming on her face.

"I̸̢̦̘̮̜͇̳̹͇̳̻͂m̷̨̖͇̰̺͖͖̙̖̱̪̝̳̉̉͑ ̶̡̛̱̜̥͕̀̀͂̀̇͊͗̓́͐̉̒͘͝b̵̧̡͍̙̠͕̖͔̩͍͕̪̗̦̦͑̍̑̒̏͌͑́̽̚̚͠͝ā̷̢̬̳̫̖̫̦͕̠͛̍̏̈́̚̚͠a̴̟͈̰͖̰͌̇̈͝ǻ̶͓̲̫̠̱̣͔͚̩̈́̈́̀̊c̴̢̰̫͔͇̲͕̤̫̯̩̥̐̋̇̾͒̾̚ĉ̵̨̧̛̟̰̯̦͇̟̹͙̺̣̈̈́k̵̡̢̛̻͎̫͓̟̓̃̀͋̄̅̿̕͠ͅͅ."

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