Crossed Paths

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~Green's POV~

"Dammit Gold, where are you?!" I heard someone call.
Gold... that name is familiar.

I whipped around.

I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a silhouette in amongst all the fog and trees.
No, two silhouettes.

Wonder who that could be... I thought as someone emerged from the mist.

It was a red haired boy, he was pretty tall, though I was taller. He had silvery coloured eyes.
His long red hair shone in the strong light that slipped down through the trees.

He looks familiar too...

"Hey, aren't you the Viridian gym leader? Green was it?" He asked. His tone of voice was somewhat cocky, while slightly dull sounding at the same time.

"Yup, that's me!" I replied triumphantly. I was glad that someone recognised me for once, as selfish as it sounds.

A short moment of silence followed.

"Who are you?" I questioned, breaking the silence.
"My name is Silver."

Hey! He's that trainer who stole the Totodile and the Pokédex from the lab in Johto four years ago! I've heard he apologised to the Professor and was allowed to keep the Pokémon, since it had grown so attached to him.

I had been caught off guard, and lost focus.

"Oh, well... yeah, I'm Green, nice to meet ya!" I smiled.

~Red's POV~

"Red! What're you doing here?" The other boy asked.
"I-I can't remember..." I lied.
I really don't want to explain the whole thing to him... to anyone really.
Gold tilted his head.

During my time upon Mount Silver, a trainer approached, and challenged me. We fought until both sides were unable to continue. The other trainer offered to heal both our teams, and said he had a message to give me. It was from my mother. After aiding our Pokémon and giving me the message, he told me his name was Gold, then left.

All of a sudden, I could hear footsteps in the snow and parts of a conversation... coming towards us.

Through the fog, I noticed a rather recognisable shape, no, two shapes?
Gold turned around to face direction I was staring in. His face lit up as both the shapes approached us.

"Hey Silv!" Gold called out cheerfully.
Now standing in front of us were a boy with red hair that reached down to his shoulders, and of course, Green.

"Don't call me that..." The red haired boy grumbled.
"Oh!" Gold burst out, "Red, this is Silver! Silver, I suppose you know who Red is?" Silver nodded in response.
"And you're the Viridian gym leader, Green! And I guess you two have met already?" Gold said, referring to Silver and Green.

As soon as Green saw me, our eyes met once more, and he rushed over to me.
Green crouched down, his expression filled with concern.

~Green's POV~

"Red... I'm... are you alri..." I trailed off. Tears began to form in my eyes as a lump was rising in my throat. I couldn't hold them back this time.

"Since when did you start caring about me?!" He spat, aggravated.

The bitter coldness in his voice hit me like and icy wind, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Since you left for that damn mountain, and on top of that, you told no one where the hell you were going! We were worried!" I snapped back.


"L-look, I don't know what came over me... I-I didn't mean-mmph!"

I was cut off as Red jumped forward, planting a kiss on my lips, then embracing me with his head resting on my shoulder.

I was honestly shocked. But also relieved. I smiled, and cuddled into him.

"I care about you too." He whispered into my ear.

We then both stood up, still staring at each other.

"Are you guys dating?" Asked Gold, a cheesy grin spreading across his face.
Red rolled his eyes, while I just looked plain flustered.

"C'mon lets go back to Pallet Town, there are a few people I can think of that'd like to see you." I laughed, smiling softly.

Red nodded, trembling vigorously.

"Red, you're shivering." I pointed out.

He stumbled back, almost falling over, but I managed to catch him just in time.
His eyes were closed, and his breathing was dangerously shaky.

Now even Silver looked worried.

I took Blastoise's Pokéball from my belt under my jacket, and pushed the button that released him.

"Alright Blastoise, I want you to walk with us and carry Red on your back safely." I commanded, while Gold and Silver helped me haul the unconscious trainer up onto the huge Pokémon's back.
Finally, I removed my jacket and used it to cover Red, hopefully giving him some sort of warmth.

While we were heading back to Pallet town, I asked,
"What brings you guys here then?"

"Well..." Silver growled.
"We were travelling through Kanto together." Started Gold.
"And he thought it would be fun to go through the forest, instead of simply flying over it." Silver continued.
"Don't forget the most important part!" Gold chimed in.

"We came to challenge you, Green!" They said in unison. Though Gold was more enthusiastic than Silver, as usual.

HAh I'm leaving you guys on sort of a cliffhanger because I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I don't know who's gonna say what next and such. So yeah, I'll have a think about that, I might do a time skip.
I made it so Green changes when he is around Red (for obvious reasons).
ALSO Red still has to EAT dammit XD I completely forgot about that. That does give me a few ideas though.

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