Away Again

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~Red's POV~

I ran.
I ran away... from everything. My problems, my worries, my fears... even Green. The one person that I knew cared about me.

Green... I'm... sorry, so sorry...

I ran away.
Like the coward I was.

I was running through the streets of Pallet Town, my ragged jacket blowing in the wind as I ran.
I had to get away.
I couldn't let anyone see me like this.

Tears were streaming from my eyes, and I was rapidly trying to hold back sobs.

It didn't take long to get to the edge of the town on foot, since Pallet Town was a small, quiet, peaceful place, nice and calm. A place where, frankly, not much exciting things happened. As far as I knew anyway.
But I knew I'd be safer elsewhere.
Elsewhere than my home.

The glowing orange sunrise radiated off the thick blankets of snow that now covered the greenery on Route 1. The sky was rather cloudy, but the strong sunlight filtered through.

Though it was admittedly cold, it wasn't snowing, that fact alone made it feel like nothing compared to Mt. Silver.
The only company I had up there were my Pokemon...
I clenched my fist in anger with myself.
This is all my fault... I thought bitterly.

I continued walking.

It was a chilling winter's morning, but I was used to the cold by now. I was also used to being alone.
I liked it. It was part of who I was.

I trudged through the deep snow, my weak bones struggling, but my urge and pure willpower to push on overcoming.

I was careful not to attract any wild Pokemon, since mine were still weak, and that would end in disaster.
Dammit I forgot to heal them...
I knew I'd have to do so at some point, but what I particularly didn't want, were crowds of people surrounding me at every given moment. Maybe no one would notice me, but then again, I didn't want to take any chances.

I eventually reached the end of Route 1 and stepped into Viridian City. The houses were topped with powdery snow, and the sun had risen just enough for the sky to have turned a murky greyish-blue colour.

My hat covered most of my face as I sprinted down the straight road through the city on my way to Viridian Forest.

I heard a few faint gasps and murmurs when I crossed paths with a small group of people.

I didn't want people to notice me. But of course, they did.

Too late... I realised, as a few strangers shot a rather cold glare at me as I ran. Although some were surprised, probably because they were witnessing the former champion of the Kanto region racing through Viridian City of all places, trying to cover up his well known face, with tears in his eyes.

I was ashamed. Of myself, of all I've done... to my loved ones... to myself.
Selfish, selfish, selfish! I couldn't help but think over and over.
What have I done? I'm a mess... I brought this on myself.

After some more struggling, I'd finally made it past the gate to Viridian Forest.
The sun was up high, now covered by all the clouds and mist that was spread across the sky. The forest was dark, but just light enough to be able to see somewhat clearly.
There were a few Pikachu and Ratatta bounding around in the snow playfully.
I smiled at the sight, still shivering vigorously due to the freezing cold.

I slumped down onto a tree, sitting in the snow, ignoring my harsh surroundings.

I sat there, bearing it all. But I knew I couldn't do this for much longer.

Then I heard it. I heard footsteps crunching on the thick snow. They were coming my way. Then I heard laughter. It was... in a way, familiar laughter.
Strange... I thought.

I have to get away from here.

I forced myself to stand up, my knees trembling.

It's so... c-cold... were the last words I remember thinking as I took a few steps, before everything went black, and I collapsed onto the snow covered forest floor, blacked out.

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