Battle at Last!

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~Gold's POV~

"Sorry we're late!" The doors the the Viridian gym burst open, revealing Green and a more healthy-looking Red.
I had been hanging around here with Silver, waiting to challenge Green to a battle, of course.
I smirked playfully. "Took you long enough!"
"Let's get this over with." Silver grinned.
"Cocky are we?" Green retorted, signalling to Red. They both threw their Pokeballs in unison, Blastoise and a roaring Charizard emerged.

"A double battle? Perfect!" I glanced at Silver and he looked back. Seconds later, Typhlosion and Feraligatr had entered the battlefield.
This won't be easy...
Silver gave me a reassuring nod.

"This will be a two on two battle, one Pokemon each!" Stated Green.
"You guys can go first." Said Red.
"But don't think you have the upper hand yet." Green continued.

"Alright. Typhlosion, Rock Slide!" I commanded.
"Feraligatr, use Crunch on Charizard!"
Typhlosion roared and stomped on the ground, summoning falling rocks above the opposing team.
"Charizard!" Red swung out his arm, and the orange dragon dodged the boulders swiftly, weaving in and out of the small spaces that remained.
"Blastoise, hang in there!" Green's eyes widened as the water Pokemon endured the attack the best he could.

Charizard looked proud after avoiding the Rock Slide, until he came face-to-face with Feraligatr, teeth bared. The orange Pokemon stumbled backward after being bitten on the neck furiously by Feraligatr.

"Okay Charizard, retaliate with Dragon Pulse!"
The fire Pokemon obeyed, charging up an attack. Just as Silver was about to signal Feraligatr to dodge, a wide purple beam came blasting at the alligator, hitting him and pushing him back, claws scraping on the rock floor.
"Feraligatr, shake it off!" Ordered Silver.
Feraligatr let out a roar and shook his head, slamming his tail on the ground, grinning menacingly.

"My turn." Green put his hand on his waist, and smirked. "Blastoise! Hydro Pump on Typhlosion!"
In an instant, the blue Pokemon veered it's water cannons and pointed them in Typhlosion's direction. Water blasted out, slamming directly into the fire Pokemon. Typhlosion growled, phased by the attack.

"Hm," Started Silver, "They're letting loose some powerful moves."
"Yeah? Well we're only getting started." I replied.

haha okay IM ALIVE I SWEAR,, holy hell its been like a whole YEAR since I updated this, but yeah,, sorry for the wait (and that this chapter is kinds short whoops). one or two more chapters and that's where I plan to end it. I'll be working on some Isshushipping, Sonadow and some Linkpit stuff, so if you like that then cool :)

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