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After he left the apartment, I took a bath and changed into warmer clothes. The thoughts of last night came back to me as I plugged in my earphones and sat by the window on that cozy little spot of my room, leaving the couch this time. He really did come back to me. I felt content that I had been right all along; that that miserable night wasn't our last goodbye. I was so in love with this man since a very very long time. And I didn't even have any idea how and when it happened. Loving him was like a habit that my heart had adopted secretly.

All those agitations and longings that I had been feeling for the longest time were actually all of my feelings for him screaming to me, trying to make me notice the fact that Chanyeol was the one for whom my heart was crying a river

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All those agitations and longings that I had been feeling for the longest time were actually all of my feelings for him screaming to me, trying to make me notice the fact that Chanyeol was the one for whom my heart was crying a river. But throughout all these, the only regret that kept nagging me now was about Jaebum. It felt like I cheated on him more than he cheated on me. Because I knew very well that my feelings for Chan had been lingering for a long time.

I needed closure with Jaebum. Just to make things clear. But how? And he didn't exactly do right with me, going on and actually cheating on me with his ex. Although somehow, I could say that I understood his reasons, and I appreciated the fact that he could man up and confess to me.

But there were some other things that were bothering me more. It's not that I worried about where Chan went suddenly after a night like the previous one; because, I trusted him. It's just that the thought of 'what next' bothered me. Amy and Sophie had their own lives here now. But I wasn't sure how our relationship, which finally, after so many roadblocks, came to a definitive path, was going to work. Besides, there were countries separating our lives. And my whole life was back in my hometown.

These thoughts bothered me to the point where I just got frustrated. Also I hadn't heard from Amy or Sophie since last night. So I thought I'd call them and firstly share the happiness with the two of my best friends. Both of them came home right at that moment. I opened the door and gave a huge smile and hugged them both. They were so happy for me.

We sat together and talked about everything. They expected to hear some spicy stories of my 'last night' but all they got were the sweet and romantic moments that me and Chan shared throughout the night. It felt like a miracle talking about Chanyeol. I had been deeply and completely immersed in his love, all this time.

"Y/N, you are so so lucky..." They said as they hugged me.

"Yeah I guess I truly am." I was very...mushy.

We talked about Sophie's engagement plans and also about Amy's big moving in to Suho's apartment. Apparently they would be living together for the sake of the baby's well-being. I just hoped to God that this situation would 'improve' or 'upgrade' someday. And we were going back home in a few days, so everything had to be sorted. We had become very homesick, even though we talked to our families everyday. And they wanted to see us for real and share our happiness with us. So we couldn't wait to go back.

It Was ❛Love❜ All Along • 박찬열#1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now