The Introductions

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The car came to a stop, and the boys scrambled out

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The car came to a stop, and the boys scrambled out.

You live in a small apartment building, one that looks old and dirty.

Truth be told, it was. But you fixed up your room to fit your needs.

You had a medium sized safe beside your bed, which holds your knives and small guns. There's a large safe inside your closet which holds your big guns, and your heist clothes are hung up in the same closet.

There are small knives littered in random places, for emergencies.

"I'm Wyatt," the curly haired boy said.

"Nic," the blonde one said. He was wearing a leather jacket, a white shirt and a gold chain.

"Jake," the heavy set one said. His gun was noticeable, and so was the wet bloodstains on his pants.

"Logan." This boy had bruises all over his face, even going down his neck.

"I'm Owen," the last boy said. He was wearing black ripped jeans and a black hoodie. His backpack was flat, and his pockets empty.

"I'm y/n."

You led them to your apartment, which was on the second floor.

You opened the door with your key, and revealed your room.

"This is it," you closed the door behind you.

"What's in the safe?" Nic asked.

"Guns and knives," you replied.
"Are you guys staying the night?" You asked.

"I guess. We can't get back home know," Wyatt said.

The rest of the boys nodded.

"My bed holds two, and I have two chairs. I guess someone's sleeping on the floor with me." You headed to the closet to grab blankets.

"Dibs on the bed!" Nic and Owen said at the same time.

"I'll take a chair," Jake shrugged.

"Chair for me as well," Logan raised his hand.

"I guess I'll take the floor," Wyatt said.

You grabbed all the blankets you have, which isn't many.

"The floor's gonna be shit by the way. I only have a few blankets."

"That's fine. I've slept on worse," Wyatt spoke with no emotion.

"So, why can't you guys get back to your place?" You wondered.

"Well, we were stealing from the trains. Someone from the train hooked us up with some cocaine and heroin, so we went to go get it. Seems easy, right? Someone was waiting for us, and jumped. Logan called for a car, and Jake was knocking out people left and right. Owen was grabbing our stuff, and I was with Wyatt just down the tracks. We heard a car pull up, and jumped on the roof. Those motorcycles were the last of the people," Nic explained.

"Wow. You guys do drugs?"

"No, we sell it. Need the cash," Owen added.

"Well I'm going to bed now. There's extra pillows under the bed, and I put a blanket on each the chairs," You told them, walking to the make shift bed on the floor.

"We'll leave tomorrow after we wake up," Jake said.


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