The Grocery Store

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Your black van was waiting outside of the apartment building, the sun shining on it

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Your black van was waiting outside of the apartment building, the sun shining on it.

They all agreed to going with you to get groceries, which surprised you since you had always found grocery shopping boring.

"I call back seat!" Nic yelled.

"Dibs on back!" Owen said.

"I call the seat behind Nic" Logan raised his hand.

"I'll take the seat behind Owen" Jake grinned at Wyatt.

"Guess that means you're riding in the front with me" You shrugged, and opened the door to get in.

Wyatt climbed in beside you, and took a look at your van.

It looked like a regular van in case you were pulled over, but the longer you looked, the more items you would find.

Under each seat was a different kind of gun, accompanied with a small bag of ammo. In the glove compartment was your fake ID's, burner phones and actual gloves.

In between the passengers seat and the drivers seat was a compartment with a lock. You had the key around your neck, which was always hidden underneath your clothing.

Inside that compartment was a variety of knives, handguns, ammo and your money. You weren't rich, but had a steady enough income from driving the get away van.

You kept the rest of your belongings in the various safes inside of your apartment.

"Wyatt, can you reach inside the glove compartment and check if there's paper and a pen?" You asked him. He reached forward and opened the compartment.

"Okay. What do you need?" He had a piece of paper in one hand and a pen in the other.

"So we need garlic bread, and uh, brownies? Just write down brownies and I'll get the recipe at the store" You told Wyatt.

"What's our budget?" Owen piped up.

"Five hundred? I guess we don't want to buy too much and seem suspicious" You shrugged.

"Can we get ramen noodles?" Nic asked.

"Oh wait, Wyatt already has some" Jake laughed and high-fived Nic.

"Dude!" Wyatt exclaimed while touching his hair.

"We can't help it" Nic laughed and shrugged.

"So what else do you guys want?" You switched the subject.

"Chocolate milk" Logan piped up.

"Raspberries" Jake said.

"A cake!" Owen's face lit up.

"What kind?" Wyatt asked.

"Vanilla!" Owen said.

"No, chocolate!" Nic smirked.




"Let's just get one if each" You interrupted the boys.

"Alright. Write down orange juice, milk, apples, brown sugar, coffee, white sugar and bread" You instructed Wyatt. He hurried to write everything down as you pulled into the parking lot.

"Nic, Owen and Jake will take half of the list, and me, Wyatt and Logan will take the other half" You said.

"Here, pass me the paper" You grabbed the piece of paper that held the grocery list and ripped it in half.

"Meet me at lane number three in forty-five minutes. Don't be late" You opened the car door and waited for Jake to get out so you could give him his half of the list.

"See you then" Nic flashed a smile at you.

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