The Start Of A New Era

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You pulled yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn; you couldn't sleep in any more

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You pulled yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn; you couldn't sleep in any more.

You walked down the hall into the kitchen to be greeted by Finn. He was standing in front of the window, admiring the dancing colours with a cup of coffee in hid hand.

"You're up early" You walked to stand beside him.

"Nightmares" He took another sip of his coffee.

"Oh. I hardly get mine anymore" You told him.

"What were yours about?" He turned to you.

"I always had a fear of being alone. All of my nightmares included me being stranded, forgotten about. Sometime's I would see my parents get killed, but as their bodies were taken away I was left there, crying in the streets. They were horrid- I used to only get about three hours of sleep" You told him.

"Mine are about many things. The most common one is my house gets invaded by The Floaters. They tie me in a chair and somehow force my soul out of my body. When it comes out, it feels like someone is crushing my throat and ripping my heart out. It ends pretty quickly after that, but to experience the feeling of not having a soul? You're a shell; I couldn't feel anything. My body was cold and lifeless" He explained.

"Wow, that's pretty intense" You shuddered.

"I always found comfort in the rising and setting sun. When I woke from my nightmares, the perfect colours painted on the sky reminded me that I do have a soul. The setting sun would remind me the same thing before I went to bed" He took another sip of his coffee.

"I didn't find anything to comfort me for years. Not until my mom brought paintings home. I studied them, attempted to copy them. It was when my parents were actually killed that I stopped having those nightmares. Instead, they were replaced with dreams of  me crying and screaming at the morgue for them to come back. I would yell at their sheet covered bodies until my voice went away. Those have hardly stopped" You said. He stared at you for a moment, before continuing to stare at the rising sun.

He took one last sip of his coffee and put it down on the counter, turning to you.

His eyes flickered to your lips, and he leaned in.

His lips met yours, soft and sweet. You melted into the kiss, despite that this felt wrong. You pulled away, shocked at his actions.

"I'm sorry Finn. I don't like you like that" You said to him. 

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have done that. I miss my girlfriend" His face fell.

"What happened to her?" You asked him.

"She moved away. She said she couldn't keep up with my living, which at the time was stealing" He explained. He walked over to a shelf in the living room and picked up a framed picture.

"This is her. Her name's Millie, she was the best" He smiled sadly.

"She's beautiful" You breathed.

"You guys are up?" Wyatt walked into the room.

"Been up for a while" Finn shrugged as he put back the picture.

"So we starting the plan today?" Wyatt sat down at the table.

"Yeah, I guess. We gotta pull this off" Finn said.

"Do you have ingredients for pancakes?" You asked Finn.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I keep it stocked in here in case I can't leave, like this" He said.

"When everyone wakes up i'll cook" You smiled.

You walked up the the various wooden cupboards and started to gather the ingredients.

"You makin something?" Nic was standing in the doorway, yawning.

"Pancakes for breakfast?" You asked as Jake, Logan and Owen also stumbled in.

"Sounds great" Jake nodded.

"I'll get on it" You smiled.

After eating Finn ran downstairs to grab 'planning supplies'. He was a good twenty minutes.

He huffed up the stairs, carrying various boxes.

"Alright, I got paper, markers, dry erase boards, maps, burner phones, phone books, notebooks and money" He plopped three boxes on the dining table.

"So how do we start?" You asked.

"We need a head" Finn suggested.

"It's always me" Nicolas raised his hand.

"That's settled. Anyone good with computers?" Finn asked.

"I don't just hack computers. I have a way with people's minds" Logan raised his head to speak.

"Who can fight?" Finn scanned the boys.

"I injure many, and kill even more" Jake said.

"It's true," Logan nodded, "He once killed a whole team of twenty on a mission with his bare hands" He smirked.

"Even better," Finn smiled and clapped his hands, "What can you do, Owen?" He looked at him.

"I steal things more than I get girls" Owen smirked.

"Wyatt's the runner, no questions asked.

"True. My feet run quicker than my mind" He crossed his arms.

"And you, y/n?" He turned to face you.

"I just drive the car. I have a good aim, but not much else" You shrugged.

"We've got out team," Finn smiled, "Now let's plan our revenge"

The next hours of the day were filled with coffee cups and writing down ideas. Finn was writing everything down while the rest of the group was wildly suggesting ways to get into the building.

"I think we're done" Finn grinned while holding the various papers.

"Read it" Nic ordered.

"Y/n drops us off at the south entrance. Jake goes in the east second floor window, distracting them so we can get in. Y/n takes out any of the guys still there, and we run to their head office. Owen takes the money, I take anything thats of value and Nic is lookout. When Jake is done, he exits the building and drives the car to the main entrance. We scour the building, killing each and every last bitch there. They'll probably call the police, but before we go, we slash The Floaters' tires, spraypaint a balloon exploded on the side, and leave" Finn explained.

"Sounds good" You nodded in satisfaction.

"In two weeks?" Nic asked.

Finn nodded.

"I'll get guns, knives and lock picks" Finn said.

"This is gonna be one hell of a revenge" You smiled.

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