The Visit

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Finn stared at you from behind the class window, telephone in his hand but no words were coming out of his mouth

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Finn stared at you from behind the class window, telephone in his hand but no words were coming out of his mouth.

"So, how's it been here?" You asked him, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Food's gross, and majority of the people are really shitty. Can't wait to get out," he sighed.

"How long's your sentence?" You spoke into the telephone.

"8 years," he sighed again, "Maybe less if there's overcrowding, maybe good behaviour could get me a bit less."

"How're the others?" He continued.

"Wyatt's been living with me, and I haven't seen the others since the day." You told him.

"That's good. My cell mate was just moved to solitary confinement for getting in a fight and hurting them with the lunch tray, so I get a new one if he stays in solitary for long enough." Finn said.

"Shit, what was he in here for anyway?" You asked.

"No one really knows, but some people said he tortured his girlfriend. Pretty heavy shit attached to him, that's for sure."

"Time's up!" A guard from Finn's side of the glass yelled, and the other inmates who were talking got up.

"See you soon?" He asked with a hopeful shimmer in his eye.

"Definitely." You smiled at him and hung up the phone, standing there for just a second longer to wave to him.

You were walking to the front door when a familiar face walked in. It took a second to realize that it was Millie- and she had another boy walking with her.

A/N: So this is it! The end to Get Away. Thank you to every reader, voter and commenter- you guys make my day! I love reading funny comments, comments that compliment the book and all the other sorts of comments I've gotten. Thank you for keeping me as on track as I could be while righting this. Before any questions are asked, no, I will not be righting a sequel to this. This book is over. But I am looking to start a new one, so ideas are appreciated! Once again, thank you to everyone who has stuck with me since the beginning, and thank you to readers who have just found this. You guys are amazing, and I hope you enjoy what's yet to come!

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