The Lie

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The sun peeked through your blinds, signaling your wake up

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The sun peeked through your blinds, signaling your wake up.

Your eyes fluttered open, and you remembered that the boys were here.

You turned over and saw Wyatt sleeping. His cute nose, his lips...

What are you doing? You're a get away car driver. You pick them up, drop them off and you're done.

You're not allowed to get attached.

Especially not to a customer.

Wyatt began to move, so you got up to hide that you were staring at him.

You walked over to your fridge, and opened it.

Yogurt, fruit or salad. The same things you eat everyday.

"Good morning" Nic said as he strutted over. His hair was messy, and he didn't have a shirt on.

"Hi" You said, grabbing yogurt.

More footsteps were heard, and Jake, Logan and Owen sat down at your table.

"Good morning" You greeted them.

"Wyatt's still not up?" Owen asked.

"He was still sleeping when I got up" You told him.

"Usually he's the first one up. I'll go see" Nic walked over to where you had made the bed.

"Do you need a ride to your place?" You were leaning against the counter, eating your yogurt.

"About that..." Owen started.

"Sure! Why not?" Nic interrupted, giving the boys 'the Look'.

"Okay" You said suspiciously. Why did Nic just interrupt him like that?

"So what time do you guys want to go? I don't have much to do today" You shrugged.

"After lunch maybe?" Nic suggested.

The other boys nodded.

"Good morning" Wyatt stumbled over to you guys.

"You want something special for lunch? I know how to cook" You offered.

"Can you make garlic bread?" Logan asked.

"Garlic bread? Anything else?" You looked at each of the boys.

"Brownies!" Jake grinned.

"Just garlic bread and brownies? Okay" You laughed.

The boys gobbled their lunch like it's their last meal.

"Is it cool if I drop you guys off in an hour?" You asked, still seated at your dining table.

"Uh-" Owen started.

"That's great" Nic interrupted Owen again.

"y/n we don't have a house we just lied" Wyatt admitted.

"Wyatt!" Nic hit him.

"Sorry! She needs to know the truth!" Wyatt exclaimed.

"Why'd you lie?" You asked Nic.

"Because one: we needed a place to stay and two: we needed to lose those guys" Nic said.

"You could have just asked. Does this mean you guys need to stay for a few more days?"

The boys all looked at each other.

"If it's okay with you" Owen said.

"Yeah, its kind of lonely here anyways," You shrugged, "Anyone want to get groceries with me?"

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