Chapter One

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Kakashi Hatake was always a man of few words, especially when he had his nose buried in an erotic orange book most of the time. In high school, he was considered to be popular with others, but the only people he ever really talked to were a select few.

Obito Uchiha, his best friend, and polar opposite was now busy running his family's company; Uchiha Corps. While he was cool, calm and collected. Obito was loud, obnoxious and just didn't know when to shut his mouth. His closest female friend was Rin Nohara, who had admitted to having a crush on him back in their days in elementary. She was an aspiring medic, had received many acceptance letters from a variety of medical schools. But unfortunately, she was killed by a drunk driver while walking home from school one day.

He, Obito and Kurenai had taken her death the hardest. For as long as he could remember, him, Obito and Rin had always been together. For class projects or anything else, they were like a team. So it was hard when their trio became a duo, but they eventually learned to move on.

As mentioned earlier, Kurenai Yuhi was the only other girl he considered a friend. She was in a relationship with another one of his childhood friends, Asuma Sarutobi. And finally, there was Maito Guy. The youth preaching boy who refused to lose to him no matter what the challenge and of course being as stubborn as Kakashi was, never turned a challenge down. Them, along with himself all became teachers at their high school; Hidden Leaf High.

But despite what many believed he was a very lonely man, living his overly large home that even calling it a mansion was an understatement. His father was a very wealthy man, inventing a multi-billion dollar machine which was scientific break-through. Before Kakashi was born he had that house built in hopes to impress his mother. But now it was just a crude reminder of all he lost. So maybe it was these aspects in his life that lead to decision he had made

Kakashi Hatake was always a man of few words but the day he encountered his old high school teacher's son. He had learned a few more. For example; 'Datteboyo'. His name was Naruto Uzumaki, he had spiky blonde hair and azure blue eyes. He was tanned, loud-mouthed and much like Obito, he acted incredibly stupid most of the time. The boy's parents had been killed when he was only a heart-breaking age of two months old and had been shipped off to the orphanage. So he had put it upon himself to adopt him, bringing him to his incredibly large home. Now the blonde was sixteen and a half years old and finishing his first year at Hidden Leaf High.

Following that, while he was busy grocery shopping for the bottomless pit known as Naruto, he had met four other boys vandalizing the store. One was named Kiba Inuzuka, a dog lover who took his puppy companion, Akamaru, everywhere he went. Another named Shino Aburame who had a fascination with bugs was very soft spoken. Then there was Shikamaru Nara who was the laziest person he had ever met but had a surprising IQ circling close in inhuman. Unfortunately, he only used his superior intellect for blackmail purposes. Finally, there was Chouji Akamichi, a boy who was sensitive about his weight but was a very sweet kid. He learned that they were all from the local orphanage and had yet to be adopted due to the fact that they refused to be separated. So Kakashi had taken them all in at age four, currently the same age as Naruto.

Then came the Uchiha brothers. Both of whom could be described as secluded and dark, as well lacking a proper vocabulary. Their entire family had been slaughtered, the only ones beside them who had survived were Obito and a boy name Tobi. But because of this, no one wanted to adopt them. They were both the same, and utterly different at the same time. While Itachi, the elder of the two, always remained calm and his long onyx hair tied in a low ponytail. Sasuke kept his dark hair short, resembling a ducks butt as Naruto put it, and was very quick to anger. They were taken in at ages five and seven, Sasuke the same age as the others and Itachi the eldest at seventeen.

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