Chapter Three

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'Next is English with Iruka' She thought absentmindedly as she placed her elbow atop of the desk with her chin resting in her small palm.

She glanced at Tobi who was seated to the left of her. He was doodling happily in his notebook, from what she could see; was him and a girl with waist-length hair, apparently getting married. Wait- pink hair? She giggled lightly to herself, Tobi was so innocent and she found it utterly adorable. She then turned to Shikamaru who occupied the seat to her right, he gazed dazedly out the window at the clouds floating across the sky. Much like she was in homeroom.

Normal, to say the least.

The pinkette gazed up at the front, the teacher droning on and on about something she already knew. She was rather bored, attempting to will the slow hands of the clock to move faster with her mind. But her gaze did not have the desired effect if anything it made the wait even more agonizingly slow.

With nothing better to do, she let herself get lost in her own thoughts. It led her to think about her time at H.U.C, The Home for Unwanted Children, or at least that's what Naruto had dubbed it.

= Flashback

It was only day's after Sakura had come to live at Kakashi's home. She was overwhelmed with all the attention she was receiving from the boys of the house. Akamaru would constantly be with her, the ever loyal companion would lay on her lap or lick her cheek. Kiba would show up abruptly and begin reprimanding the pup, which she mistook to be anger for his pet abandoning him.

She liked spending time in her room which was painted pink, solely because the boy's thought she would appreciate something feminine in the all-boy-home. After a lot of eye twitching she explained to them that pink was not her favorite color, actually she borderline despised it.

The room was spacious, exceedingly so. Her double-sized bed was tucked into the corner, a birch wood nightstand was right beside it with a small black digital clock and a lamp perched on top of its smooth surface. She had a large wooden desk that was littered with various books and stacks of paper, a black leather 'spinney chair' (at least that's what she called it) in front of it. She had a large walk-in closet, she didn't even fill an eighth of it much to Kakashi's disdain. She had bean bag chairs scattered all about, even a couch that had appeared the day before. The room had two large windows with cream-colored curtains, she found herself staring out the window a lot. Wondering how she got there and how life had brought her here. She liked to think the outside would give her some sort of guidance as if it held the answers to all her problems.

She was doing just that when she heard the thrum of footsteps walk into her room, turning her attention away from the window. It was none other than the lazy Nara boy who seemed to always either be asleep or looking at the clouds (Hm, maybe she got her habit from him and then evolved into cloud gazing).

The boy didn't even greet her, all he did was walk towards the bed she was seated on and flopped on top of it. His hand reaching out and grabbing one of her pillows and resting his head on it. He sighed in content as he snuggled into it and silence followed.

She blinked once, twice, thrice before saying, "Er, Shikamaru?"

She heard steady breathing and watched as his chest rise and fall before concluding the boy was asleep.

' That wasn't weird at all...' She thought dryly in her mind.

She resumed staring at the window, this time specifically the white fluffy clouds that passed across the sky. Herself wondering why the boy who was now asleep on her bed was so fascinated by them.

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