Chapter Two

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"OI~" Naruto said as he poked Sasuke's cheek.

Him, Sasuke, Shino, Chouji, Kiba, Shikamaru and Sakura were all seated in the back of the limousine as they waited to arrive at their high school, Hidden Leaf High. They had just dropped off Konohamaru at his school, Konoha elementary, where he was greeted by his two friends Moegi and Udon. 

Itachi, Sasori and Deidara had gotten a ride with some of their friends who were part of the gang they joined (although the group themselves insisted hey were far too sophisccated to be a gang).

 The seven of them in the limo were all in their first year of high school, Konohamaru was in the fourth grade and Itachi, Sasori and Deidara were all finishing their second year at Hidden Leaf High. It was only two months until the end of the year, two months until break. Everyone was counting down the days.

"TEME~"  Naruto continued as he poked his best friend's cheek repeatedly. 

Sasuke's eye twitched, "What Dobe?" The teen seethed.

It was the classic trick Naruto used to annoy Sasuke, and it worked everytime. He would either A) Poke/hit him until he gave in and tackled Naruto B) Or ramble on about something until Sasuke couldn't take it anymore and left. But they were in a car so options A and B (in terms of Sasuke escaping/retaliating) were thrown out the window. So the Uchiha had no choice but to reply and remind himself to strangle the blonde later.

"I heard that some new kids are coming today," Naruto grinned, that lopsided grin of his. "And from Suna too,"

"New kids?" Kiba asked perkily, Akamaru popping out of his gray jacket, "What grade?"

" First years," Sakura piped up, earning a questioning look from the surrounding males.

She raised an eyebrow at them, all whom were looking at her suspiciously. 

" What? Ino is my best friend guys, I know stuff. " the pinkette defended.

The boys chuckled, thinking about the bossy and gossip loving girl that was Sakura's friend. Ino was a fashionista, she always had to have the most in-style clothes much to her father's thinning wallet's dismay(the guy just didn't know how to say no). Her makeup and platinum blond hair were seemingly always immaculate- no one knew how she managed to pull it off. 

Ino was a diva, no one could deny it. She was pretty, but she was demanding and bossy. If things didn't go her way, she threw a fit and it was not a pretty sight. She was also the school's gossip queen, on top of all the juiciest and more incriminating rumors. 

They still had yet to figure out how the blond and their beloved pinkette had formed such a friendship with their conflicting personalities, but they let it be as one of the many mysteries of feminine ways. 

"Their siblings too, their youngest is a first year," Naruto nodded at Sakura, "and there's a second and a third year. "

"Who switches school with only two months until summer break?" Chouji wondered aloud, munching down on a bag of all dressed chips.

Now that Naruto thought about it, that was kind of weird. Couldn't they have just finished the year before switching schools? This is the time school's rush to get everything done, piles of work but the last week of June usually was very chill.

Shino shrugged, "Their parents moved for a job perhaps? Who knows". 

"STILL! We haven't had some fresh faces around here in forever! And you know me, I'm all about the people." Naruto said with a fox-like grin.

"Why do we care Naruto?" Shikamaru asked yawning, "I mean, it's not like they'll be our friends or anything. If you haven't noticed, we have only hung out with each other. With only a few exceptions. Besides, they're probably fans anyway."

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