Chapter Seven

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Sakura didn't particularly like cleaning, or simply chores in general. But when you live with a bunch guys and yourself the only girl, most of the cleaning is left to you. And by most, she meant all the cleaning.

In all fairness, what was she supposed to expect? She lived with Kiba, Chouji, Shikamaru, Konohamaru, Deidara and Naruto. They were some of the messiest people she had the displeasure of cleaning up after.

So of course, it was only natural that she was the one to pick up the mess her housemates had made.

And to think, she worked so hard making them dinner.

Ungrateful jerks.

She sighed as she swept up pieces of broken plates into the dust pan.

Sakura felt sad about having to throw away such a beautiful set of plates. She had been the one to pick them out, after all. She recalled fondly the day Kakashi had taken her, the newest addition to the family at the time, shopping for the house. One of the things they needed was a set of plates that were not plastic or made of paper, and came in large numbers. She had chosen the eggshell white plates circled with a branch that had little bluebirds on it.

Every time it was her turn to do the dishes, she'd scrub them carefully. She wanted them to be as clean as the day she had got them. The pinkette would never know why, but she had this odd fascination with blue birds. And every time she saw one, she felt more at ease and slightly somber.

She grunted as she wiped the floor with a renewed vigor, attempting to remove the ketchup off the hard wood floor.

What would these guys do without her?

The pinkette laughed at the thought of it, the whole place would be a complete mess. It would look like a tornado went by 24/7- or maybe they'd get a few visits from animal control, someone wondering what kind of animal could create such a mess.

Even bears cared more about cleanliness, and they slept in a cave.

She let out another sigh as she left to go fetch the mop.

As she rounded the corner, she abruptly had to duck as a lamp shade was chucked where her head had just previously been.

"What the hell-?"

She didn't get to finish that thought, because she yet again had to avoid a piece of stray décor being thrown in her direction.

"YOU BASTARD!" someone yelled from inside,

The living room was a warzone, the coffee table was scratched up and banged the hell out of, the tv was a cracked masterpiece, the couch cushions bleed out feathers like a wound and the bookshelf had been knocked over.

And all through out was a mess of boys beating the utter shit out each other.

Naruto and Sai were wrestling on the floor, Sasuke and Itachi (who were fighting yet again) were at each other throats- literally, Kiba and Suigetsu were on each other like white on rice, Shikamaru had somehow managed to wind himself up in a good old fashioned fist fight with Choji- who was yelling about scrawny pale people and big bones, Deidara and Saosri- oh sweet Jesus, they were pulling out the big guns. Meaning Deidara was threatening to use his homemade explosives and Sasori pulled out his bottle of high flammable liquid and his scorpion designed lighter.

Apparently, she had just walked in on a free-for-all.

She felt something in her snap as Sasuke was aggressively pushed into the wall, knocking over a painting and sending it crashing to the floor.

Sakura marched over to where the two artists were and proceeded to kick both of them in the back of the knees, knocking them down and then snatched up their pyromaniac play things.

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