Chapter Eight

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~The First Morning~


6:30 am

Suigetsu was fast asleep in his bed. His bed, which by the way- felt like he was sleeping on a cloud. A fluffy, red checkered cloud.  It had taken him a while to fall asleep last night, he wasn't quite used to the idea of being adopted. Well, he wasn't sure if adopted was the right word.

After all, he was brought to a house (pardon, mansion) filled with kids around his age. If anything, he was moved from one orphanage to another. Except this one was more-


His eyes flew open and he jumped out of the bed like a shot, a startled yelp erupting from his throat. He began to flail his limbs erratically as he got further tangled up in the sheets and blankets. Panic and shock surged through his entire being, he could hear- was that laughter?

Rubbing away the sleep from his eyes, Suigetsu looked up to see his new housemates gathered around his room, clad in pajama's and hair somehow neat. Naruto, Kiba and the squirt Konohamaru had their paws on a number of pots and pans- a wooden spoon acted as their drum sticks.

And- And...

And Shikamaru had his phone out, a smirk on that dumb face of his. He probably recorded the whole thing.

Naruto- the blond bastard had the audacity to let out a hearty and evil laugh at his expense. A devilish grin overtaking his face.

"RISE AND SHINE NEWBIE!" He bellowed out.

Stand corrected, he moved from one hell to another.

Tired, and very much not a morning person, Suigetsu grabbed the pillow closest to him and proceeded to chuck it Shikamaru out of revenge for the video, but the usually lazy boy was already out the damn door.

Obnoxious laughter rang in his ears once more, as Naruto, Kiba and Konohamaru trudged out of the room with their assortment of kitchen ware.

With a sigh, the white-haired boy flopped back onto his bed.



Apparently, the bastard housemates who woke him up this morning were the better of two evils. He learned this when he ran into Sai on his way to a bathroom. Sai was dripping wet from head to toe in water- well, he hoped it was water. Suigetsu wouldn't put it past the sons of bitches to use something more crude.

Now they had tried to find the bathroom, or at least a bathroom. He briefly recalled someone saying something about the number of bathrooms in this house was comical, so, he figured there had to be one close by.

Let's just say that upon opening the first door, he learned why it is people should knock first.

The second door -to which he knocked- was actually Shino's room. And he damn well near had a heart attack.

There were bugs everywhere and the vast majority of them were still moving and very much alive. So they had a bug-freak for a housemate, great. Suigetsu knew he got a weird vibe from that kid when they first met. He was also glad that only Sai saw and heard his girlish scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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