Chapter Five

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Naruto paced impatiently around the second floor media room. All of the H.U.C were lounging in the room along with him, except they were entertaining themselves while he was walking back and forth across the room continuously.

Kiba was playing on his PS vita (PSP), Akamaru laying across lap. His fingers switching between the buttons and his eyes narrowed in complete concentration.

In the first row of seats was Itachi and Sasuke, the two were in sibling argument that had escalated into wrestling and it was obvious Itachi was winning despite what Sasuke was telling himself.

The second row was vacant, save for some popcorn on the floor and Shino's bugs.

In the third row was Konohamaru, Deidara and Tobi, the Uchiha was poking the blonde's cheek while Deidara was trying his best to not move so much while simultaneously attempting to strangle him. Konohamaru was laughing his little eight year old head off at the sight of the two teens fighting so comically.

In the fourth row was Sakura and Shikamaru, Sakura was busy braiding Deidara's hair that he reluctantly took out of his usual pony tail. Shikamaru was laid out across the seats, his head resting on Sakura's lap as he slept. He said that her lap was more comfortable than the chairs and that it would 'troublesome' to wake up with a sore neck.

In the fifth row was Sasori and Chouji, the red head was playing was the pinkette's hair. Styling the pink tresses before undoing it and doing it all over again with a different style, he'd take a picture of each one with his phone to show her seeing as though he didn't have a mirror. Chouji sat a few seats to Sasori's left, munching on his all dressed chips with a big smile on his face.

Shino was in the sixth and final row, doing whatever it is that he does. He always was a recluse, and all though he rarely spoke up he enjoyed the company of those close to him. He reveled in companionable silence but enjoyed having conversations on topics he held interest in.

"UGH!!" Naruto finally yelled, he turned to the group and grabbed chunks of his golden hair. Threatening to rip out his blonde locks.

"When is Kakashi getting here?" he demanded.

"Patience Naruto," Sakura told him, looking up from her braiding job that she thought was pretty damn good.

"Besides, it's just two more kids. What's the rush?" She asked him, returning to her braiding,


The pinkette shrugged, "So? I put up with you guys all the time, what's two more?"

"Two more guys competing for your hand..." The Nara boy grumbled quietly.

"Hm?" Sakura looked down at the boy resting on her lap, "What's that Shika?"

Shikamaru cracked an eye open and found himself looking up into her emerald orbs that were blinking down at him with curiosity her eyes. It was adorable, her long lashes brushing against her ivory cheeks and her full pink lips puckered slightly.

He reached up and lightly tapped her small button nose with his index finger, "Nothing" he replied.

She titled her head to side a little, quirking a perfect pink brow but shrugged off the vague response and continued playing with the blonde pyro's hair.

A few minutes later a voice they knew to be Kakashi's boomed throughout the media room from the speaker set up above the large movie screen.

"Aiyo brats! And Sakura."

"HEY!" Naruto and Kiba yelled in protest, the dog lover momentarily forgetting his game.

"Come down to the first floor living room, we've got some newcomers here."

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