Chapter Six

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"There are times when you need to know whether to put up or shut up, the latter is better unless you want to get your teeth knocked in."



Dinner was as lively as breakfast. Naruto and Kiba were able to get their seats back after Kakashi sent the two newcomers to sit at the at the end of the table. Sai took the open seat next to Deidara while Suigetsu sat at the very end of the table.

Sasuke and Naruto got into argument over something pointless, Kakashi only fueling the fire with his remarks.

Now, thinking back to the seating plan, you'd think that the blonde Uzumaki and the stuck up Uchiha would have not been able to argue due to the distance between them. After all, that was the reason why they were placed so far apart. But one way or another, Sasuke and Naruto were going at it and Kakashi was doing nothing to stop it.

"I've seen anthills more impressive than your grades, dobe." 

"He's not wrong, you're currently averaging 46% in my class."


If anything, he was only making it worse. Kakashi must have got some amusement from this argument that started over-...Acutally, Kakashi couldn't remember what this whole thing started over but whatever it was, he could care less. He laughed inwardly at the vain that was popping from the usually impassive ravenette's forehead. 

Kiba was trying to throw peas into Chouji's mouth with Deidara cheering him on.

The Inukzuka, for the most part, sat it in the middle of the table while Chouji sat more towards the end of the table on the opposite side. But that didn't stop him from trying. Deidara, who sat closer Chouji but still on the opposite side the table, was cheering the brunette on and commenting on how close each shot was. 

So far, Kiba was 0 for 12. 

But that didn't mean he would stop trying. 

"Alright Chouji I got this, just keep that big mouth of yourse open and-" Kiba threw the pea, sending it flying right into the Akamichis mouth.

"Wooh!" The dog lover exclaimed, high fiving Deidara.

Sasori was talking to Itachi about a project for school, the two being more civilized discussed the topic casually all the while going over the finer points in detail- the pair of them took pride in their school work. 

Their class was biology and the task the teacher had given them was simply a creative assignment on one of the functions of the human body. The teacher could care less about what they did as long as it met the criteria. Sasori, being the ever zealous fan of puppetry, didn't miss a beat at the words 'creative' and 'body'. 

So naturally, he was going to craft a life sized puppet that would demonstrate how the function of their choice actually worked.'Ambitious', is what one might say. 'Too difficult', is what the average person would think. 

But this was Sasori- the man could do this in his sleep. 

And with Itachi never being one to skip out on extra credit- climbed aboard. He would strictly be in charge of the research while Sasori  took care of the rest. 

"So I think we should build the model at school since one of these idiots are bound to break it" Sasori suggested, to which Itachi nodded at.

Sakura was helping Konohamaru with cutting his sausage while lightly chatting with Shino. 

Konohamaru was actually not pretending to be incapable of using his knife like many thought he was, he genuinely couldn't. Although he did take advantage of it, it was still embarrassing for him. Sakura made it less humiliating for him, he didn't know why she just did. Maybe it was her reassuring smile that she'd send his way or that he liked being cared for. Either way, he saw no reason to complain. 

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