Chapter Four

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Sakura stared up at the silver-haired senior with impassive eyes, he stared back with an equal expression. The two were at their lockers, standing and just simply staring at each other. Much to the question of the passing students.

Suddenly, the two burst out laughing.

Sakura leaned against the lockers for support, as Hidan slapped his knee.

"Morning Hidan," Sakura greeted after recovering from her laugh attack.

Hidan Jashin, yet another member of the Akatsuki gang. He's around the same age as the others with slicked back silver hair and striking magenta eyes. He praises the god Jashin (It was a wonder why he changed his last name...not really) and frequently cusses. He's also another boy to have an interest in the little pink princess of the H.U.C, he makes his affection known but being as oblivious as Sakura is, she only thinks he's teasing her.

Goddamnit, this girl really didn't know this difference between love and friendship. No amount perverted comments would make her understand, but then again, that didn't mean he wouldn't try.

"Mornin' bitch." Was his reply.

As she punched in her locker combination, Hidan took the time to look over the pink girl in front of him.

She was wearing a grey root's hoodie that clung to her form lightly but was enough to show her wonderous curves. It was zipped up half-way, revealing the blue t-shirt she wore underneath. She wore a pair of black leggings that hugged her legs beautifully, showing over her long muscled legs. Her hair falling down her back like a waterfall, ending just above her butt, and allow him to tell you, that it wasn't all that bad to look at either.

He leaned closer to her, "Do I get a fucking kiss from the fucking hot princess?"

Sakura, being used to his teasing(So naive Sakura), rolled her eyes and pushed him away.

"In your dreams fucker," She said as she began walking away.

Hidan's smirk intensified, "At least you know you're in my fucking dreams!"


English was the only class that she didn't have with any of her housemates, excluding herself of course. But she still hade plenty of friends who took this class with her. When she walked into the room, much like in Algebra, it was barren of any people save a certain individual who was sloppily reading a book.

She grinned.

"Morning Neji!"

Neji Hyuga, another person vying for the small pinkette's heart. Though he wasn't very open about these feelings, he was one of the more dark and possessive types. If he wanted something, he got it and never let it go. He just so happened to want Sakura who was too naive to notice.

He had long coffee brown hair and the featurless white trademark Hyuga eyes. He was known mostly for his position on the student council and his enormous fanclub (of girls and boys alike).  He was the cousin of one of Sakura's closet friends, Hinata Hyuga.

The addressed boy lifted his pearly gaze up from the page he so boredly was reading to the pink-haired beauty that walked into the room.

He greeted her with a smile that would make any normal girl melt, "Good morning Sakura, how are you today?"

She took the seat beside him, "It's been going good, and you?"

He shurgged, "Pretty much the same as always"

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