The Truth Comes Out

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    "So, how'd it go with Chuck?" Standing outside Veronica's locker, it felt like everything had gone back to normal

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"So, how'd it go with Chuck?" Standing outside Veronica's locker, it felt like everything had gone back to normal. Or as normal as it was going to be. Veronica laughed at Kevin's comment and tossed her hair back.

"Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde, or even Diablo Cody." Margo glanced at her hands, ignoring the laughter of her friends. "Okay, Margo, tell us what is up with you! This whole sullen silence thing is getting old and you promised you wouldn't keep any secrets."

"It's nothing," Kevin stuck up, and Veronica rounded on him.

"How do you know?" She accused, and Kevin shied away. Margo kept her eyes on the ground. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to tell Veronica and she really didn't want to think about it.

"Hey, Veronica." A girl in designer clothes walked by with a smirk and Margo had a sinking feeling that she knew what was starting. "How was the Sticky Maple you had last night?" Confession showed on Veronica's face and the girl's smirk widened. "Margo knows what I'm talking about."

"The what now?"

"The Sticky Maple that Chuck gave you? How was it?"

"We had a brownie sundae, it that's what you hyenas mean." Margo prayed that Veronica didn't notice that she was brought up, but due to the sideways glances sent her way, she wasn't lucky. The chime of all the phones in the hallway caused Margo to steel herself for what was going to come.

"Oh, my God," Kevin said, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"What?" Veronica grabbed the cell phone and froze when she saw what was on the screen, her stomach pulled in and she tightened her jaw. "What the hell is a Sticky Maple?" Margo could see the comments of hate pointed towards Veronica building up on the screen and tried to take the phone away, but Veronica held it strong.

"It's kind of what it sounds like." Margo could see the boys passing giving Veronica looks. Like all slut-shaming, it turned the girl into an object instead of a human. She was now a target for anyone to feast upon. Margo's utter hate for Chuck grew. "It's a Riverdale thing."

"No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing. And I'm neither a slut, nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton. Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol."

"Veronica, stop," Margo sighed, but the angry girl turned to her.

"I'm going to deal with you later. I don't care if I'm sounding like my old self. This is unacceptable."

"We can go to Principal Weatherbee," Betty said, trying to calm the situation down, but it didn't work.

"About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?"

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