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   "And in that moment of hesitation, you're dead

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"And in that moment of hesitation, you're dead. All of you are dead." The two knew where Dilton would be, because when he wasn't at school, he was also in front of the scout's headquarters.

When they got there, he was on the field in front, talking to the scouts, and it seemed they failed whatever task he gave them.

"Is he trying to traumatize them?" Margo hissed, and the corners of Jughead's mouth twitched upward, but he didn't respond.

"At ease, Doiley. We're writing an article for the Blue and Gold." Dilton looked surprised that people were interrupting him.

"We wouldn't mind your input," Margo said with a smile.He look suspicious, given how the two hadn't spoken since middle school, but he nodded and looked at the scouts with narrowed, disappointed eyes.

"Dismissed. But stay close."

"Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot the morning of July fourth, but they don't know who fired." Jughead said, jumping right in.

"Sheriff Keller already asked me about this." Dilton seemed annoyed that the topic was about Jason, and not about his scouts, which Margo assumed that he thought it was going to be about. "And like I told him, my Scouts and I, we didn't hear anything weird."

"Did you see anything weird?" Jughead was frowning now, annoyed that Dilton didn't know anything, or wasn't telling them anything.

"A white-winged crossbill. A long eared owl." Jughead turned his head almost microscopically and Margo followed his gaze. One of the scouts was shifting uncomfortably, and he was close enough to hear them. Margo crossed her arms and glared at Dilton, before he smirked. "Oh. And Cheryl, sitting by the river, soaking wet. You're friends with that she-devil, aren't you, Margaret?"

"Shut up, Doiley," Jughead said. Margo felt her nails digging into her palms are she closed her hands into tight fists.

"I mean, how do you know that she isn't making the whole thing up?" In a serge of anger, Margo flew forward and grabbed hit shirt.

"Listen here, you fuck muffin, you can treat your scouts as badly as you want, but I think that hat meant for a kid in elementary has crushed your brain because I don't think there is any time when you would talk to me like that, do you understand?" Dilton nodded with an eye roll and Jughead and Margo began to walk away.

"Hey, Margaret!" Dilton shouted. "Remember what I said. Once you cool down, think abut it for a minute!" It was Jughead who stopped her from storming back to give Dilton another piece of her mind.

"Ignore him, Marg. Let's just go to Pop's or somewhere and we can work on what we have." Begrudgingly, Margo followed Jughead away from the field, bitting down on her lip. She didn't want to believe Dilton, and she hated to admit it, but she understood where he was coming from. She didn't agree with him, but she could see why he would think it. Cheryl had been known for lying for drama and she had seen her friend's face when they found Jason's body. She was so surprised. Margo had written it up as grief and actually having to face her dead brother's body, but there was something else.

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