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Aug. 1988.
Eddie Kaspbrak was in a mood.

He hadn't slept at all last night and he was dead tired.

A yawn escaped his lips as he lowered his head onto his kitchen table.

When he came home that morning, his mother was absolutely livid. Her flabby face was nearly purple with rage.

She'd grounded him.

Not that it meant much to him, anyways. What else was there for him to do if not loaf around the house?

"Eddie I'm leaving to the pharmacy to pick up your medications. I'll also be doing some grocery shopping so I won't be back for at least an hour. I don't want you leaving the house. You need to rest."

Eddie sighed. "They're bullshit..." He mumbled, aggravated that his mother is continuing to force him to take the fake pills and medications.

His mother simply ignored him and swept out of the house, driving away.

The telephone in the parlor rang.

Eddie didn't even glance in that direction.

If it was one of his friends, he didn't want to talk.

He had more important things to think about, like his continued nightmares and the awful itch at the back of his mind.

Girly boy.

Maybe he should pick up the telephone. Ask one of his friends for help deciphering Pennywise's terrible mockery.

He'd never told them of his incident with him on the showers.

Perhaps he was scared.

Scared of what it meant or what it could possibly mean.

But now he thought it would be important to let the other boys know that Pennywise continued to haunt him, even after death. And who knows, maybe the other boys were having their own singular experiences.

Eddie straightened and picked up the phone.

It was Bill.

"H-hey Eddie, I wa-was just c-calling t-to see i-if y-you want-wanted to go to t-the quarry today."

His stutter had gotten worse, it seemed, since the battle in the sewers.

"Oh, uh... sure Bill... sure. I'll be there soon."

Eddie allowed himself a small smile.

He was determined not to let his mother dictate the 3 days of summer he had left.

The young boy made his way outside and jumped on his bike with ease, racing towards the quarry to meet up with his friends.


When Eddie reached his destination, he clambered off his bike and kicked it to the side.

It was a wonder he made it to the quarry in one piece, what with his cast, he thought bitterly.

"Stupid fucking cast... stupid fucking clown still ruining my summer..." He muttered to himself.

Shaking all negative thoughts away, Eddie straightened his shoulders and walked to the edge of the cliff to where his friends were standing, including Bev, whom he hadn't seen since the Battle and the Losers' oath to come back if Pennywise did return

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Shaking all negative thoughts away, Eddie straightened his shoulders and walked to the edge of the cliff to where his friends were standing, including Bev, whom he hadn't seen since the Battle and the Losers' oath to come back if Pennywise did return.

She hadn't joined the sleepover at Bill's house for modesty and chastity reasons.

Imagine! A girl at an all-boys sleepover.

A wry smile touched Eddie's lips at the thought as he imagined how Bill's parents would react to Beverly Marsh sleeping in their own son's bedroom along with all of his friends.

"Hey guys... Bev." He greeted everyone, nodding towards them individually.

Bev was pretty, sure. But he wasn't his type. He has thought he liked her at one time, but now he just saw her as a sister.

And besides, it seemed like she had a thing with Bill, if their attempt at secretive looks and smiles told him anything.

The rest of the Losers seemed to be oblivious.

"S-so, who's first?" Questioned Bill after the Losers had stripped down to their underwear.

Eddie just down to his shorts.

It was too much of a struggle to undress with his cast, and he definitely didn't want to ask one of his friends for help, seeing as how that would illicit some inappropriate joke from Richie.

Stan looked around and shrugged, quickly leaping down into the water, followed by Ben, Mike, Richie, and then Bill and Bev, leaving Eddie.

With a sigh, Eddie leapt, containing a shriek as he splashed into the cool water below.

As soon as he surfaced, he was met by Richie spitting a thin stream of water right in his face.

Eddie yelped and backed off, disgusted.

"Richie! What the fuck?! Do you even realize how unsanitary that is? Did you not remember what I told you the first time we went in the sewers? Shit and piss, Richie, shit and piss! There's probably so many germs in this water, it's so close to the grey-water in the sewers, and then you seriously put it in your mouth and... and spit it in my face?!" Eddie spluttered, splashing water in Richie's direction, who just laughed and swam off to go terrorize Stanley.

Eddie sighed and shook his head as he saw Stan push Richie down into the water, holding him in a headlock as the two boys wrestled, laughing.

At the same time, he felt an unfamiliar feeling. A twinge in his chest that caused him to be somewhat angry.

He wasn't sure why, and he didn't know what he was angry at either.

Frowning, Eddie pushed the feeling to the side and dove back into the water to continue playing with his friends, ignoring the voice constantly whispering in the back of his mind.

Girly boy, girly boy, girly boy...

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