Chapter 1

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1) This fic will get dark, assume the following triggers: smut, non-con, dub-con, graphic violence, torture, death. Please do not read if those things will squick you out. I will not be posting individual chapter warnings for chapters 11 and on.

2) Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Harry Potter world, all bow down to the queen JK Rowling.

3) Beta'd by twztdwildcat

Draco awoke with a start and a groan. He felt like he had been in a hippogriff stampede, everything in his body hurt. His head was pounding, and his mouth was dry and scratchy. What had happened? He wasn't sure he remembered. He knew the Dark Lord had called him to a meeting. Was that yesterday? Or the day before? He couldn't quite remember. Did he receive the Dark Mark? Draco wasn't sure if he even wanted the Dark Mark. With some trepidation, Draco raised his left sleeve, and was greeted by smooth pale skin. No Dark Mark in sight. Draco sighed in relief. At least he hadn't been tied to the Dark Lord yet.

Gathering his will, Draco heaved himself out of his large bed. He was in his bedroom at Malfoy Manor that was comforting at least. He wobbled as he stood up and noticed his hip and thigh were covered in dark, dried blood, and there was a large, dark stain in the center of his white sheets.

Maybe that explained some of his pain? What in the hell had happened to him? Draco moved stiffly toward his en suite bathroom. Once there, he stripped and looked in the mirror.

"Oh shite," he said aloud with some shock looking down at his hip.

On his right hip was a large, crescent shaped bite, still oozing blood. Draco could practically count the teeth marks the bite was so vivid.

"Shite, shite, shite!" Draco hobbled back into his room and headed for his bookshelves. He grabbed The Essential Defense Against the Dark Arts book from his third year at Hogwarts. He flipped quickly to page 394 to read about werewolves.

"A fresh werewolf bite will bleed for several days, most heavily the first day, and taper off as it heals. The bite will almost always be a crescent shape and turn silvery as it finishes healing. There is no known cure or treatment for a werewolf bite." The book fell listlessly from his fingers and landed with a thump on the floor.

Fucked, I am completely fucked. Scenes from the last week started filing into place.

Draco walked into the drawing room at Malfoy Manor, his head high and his face a mask of well-bred imperiousness.

The Dark Lord was sitting at the head of a long table, his pet snake Nagini was slithering along the floor, winding herself around the chairs. The rest of the Dark Lord's inner circle was also present, including Aunt Bella, on the Dark Lord's right hand side. She was looking at Him with adoring eyes. The rest of the Death Eaters present were studiously avoiding the Dark Lord's gaze. Aunt Bella was the only Death Eater to escape capture from the debacle at the Department of Mysteries three weeks ago. Draco's father and the rest of the Death Eaters who battled Potter and friends were in Azkaban.

Draco bowed deeply to the Dark Lord, his blond fringe falling over his eyes, "What may I do for you, my Lord?" Draco straightened and smoothed his hair back from his face. He clasped his hands behind his back, ever the picture of pure-blood, well-bred elegance.

"Draco, my ssson," the Dark Lord hissed, "I am afraid you will be punished for your father'sss missstakesss. He hasss disssappointed me, deeply. I had warned him of the consssequencesss of hisss failure." The Dark Lord cast his red-eyed glare around his table of followers before landing heavily on Draco.

"Yes, my Lord. I will accept any punishment you see fit," Draco lowered his eyes. He really hoped it wouldn't be the Dark Mark. Draco loved both his parents, he would do anything to help ease his father's burden with the Dark Lord, but that didn't mean he wanted to serve the maniac. He had been hoping that due to his age he could get out of service entirely, but now it seemed that was unlikely. Damn my father.

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