Chapter 34

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A/N: I said this a few chapters ago, that this story is only slated for 39 chapters. We're at 34 already, so the end is coming soon! Ahhh! I hope you all are as excited as I am! And you all got this chapter a day early because I'll be traveling tomorrow. So enjoy! And drop me a review to let me know what you think!

I would be lost without brownlark42 who is the best friend and beta a girl could ask for.

I make a manip for every chapter, find me on Tumblr at crochetawayhpff.

Draco dodged a misfired spell as he slipped from the house. He followed his pack out to the garden and Apparated with them back to the Manor. They filed through the dueling court and Draco looked at wounds, passing out healing potions and sleeping draughts as necessary.

"Beta," Seff motioned him over. He was hovering over Bledig, one of the oldest wolves in the pack.

Draco strode closer as he swiped a few more healing potions from a nearby table.

Bledig had suffered a major wound to his thigh. It looked as though his femoral artery was nicked and he was bleeding heavily. Seff has mercifully knocked him out, but Draco couldn't fathom why he hadn't been alerted through the collective that someone was so injured.

"Shite," Draco muttered as he siphoned some of the blood away. "Where's your wand, Seff? I'm going to need your help."

Draco was suddenly thankful that Hermione had been reading so much about healing magic. He'd taken to reading the books she finished, and he was never so thankful as he was right now. He knew exactly what needed to happen to heal Bledig and prevent a pack death.

He worked quickly. Seff helped siphon blood as Draco dug into Bledig's leg for the torn artery and repaired it. Then he closed the wound in the leg and poured two doses of Blood Replenishment potion down Bledig's throat. It was a good thing that Bledig was a werewolf. Had he been human, he probably would have died long before Draco could have tended him.

The pack was fractured. They were upset at the direction Fenrir was taking them and threatening to mutiny. He was trying to hold them together the best he could and was thankful he wouldn't be going back to Hogwarts anytime soon. Something was wrong with Fenrir, and Draco wasn't sure he knew what it was.

Not only was the pack hanging on by a thread, but Granger, his Mate, the love of his life had disappeared with Potter and Weasley, and Draco had no idea where they were. He didn't even know if she was okay. He could just barely feel her through the mate bond, and he didn't know what that meant. He mentally kicked himself for shoving her away after Easter hols. How stupid was he? Hermione was the only one who had consistently shown she was on his side. And he shoved her away because he was angry she didn't trust him enough to get on a broom with him? He was a class A idiot. And now he was paying for it.

He finished cleaning the blood off Bledig, himself, and Seff as he looked around the dueling court. Bledig by far was the most seriously injured. They'd attacked a Muggle home, and Draco wasn't even sure how the injury happened.

"How did he get this, Seff?" Draco asked. He was beginning to think someone was purposely sabotaging raids. Every time they came back from a raid at least one werewolf was seriously injured. More injured than they should have been, considering they were attacking Muggles.

"I'm not sure, maybe a misfired spell?" Seff suggested.

Draco didn't like this at all. He would have to find a way to talk to Rand. Maybe he would know what was going on? After Fenrir's warning over Christmas, Draco didn't want to be seen seeking Rand out. It would have to be done under Fenrir's nose.

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