Chapter 25

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A/N: You can find me on tumblr at crochetawayhpff. I post a manip for every chapter. So check it out!

Big thanks to beta extraordinaire, brownlark42, she's like driving down the road with your windows down and your favorite song on the radio.

Draco flopped heavily onto his bed in his childhood bedroom. Its decor hadn't changed for as long as he could remember - Slytherin greens and dark browns covered the room. He stared up at the green canopy as Hermione walked around the space. She opened the door to the bathroom and tossed a grin at him.

"I'm thinking we can put that tub to good use," she said. Draco sat up on his elbow to look at his mate. She was beautiful with her wind-tossed hair. He loved the color. It wasn't just brown, but it had lighter and darker dimensions, and in the candlelight of his room it almost shimmered.

"Now?" he asked as he stood from the bed. He moved toward her, kicking off his shoes as he went.

Hermione responded by tugging her shirt out from the waistband of her skirt and began unbuttoning it.

"No time like the present," she replied as she tossed the shirt from her shoulders. Draco frowned as he spotted the long scar that marred her torso. He didn't regret killing Dolohov, not anymore, but it still upset him that his mate had been hurt and he didn't do anything to protect her. Draco shook his head to clear his thoughts, now wasn't the time to mull over his mistakes. He began unbuttoning his own shirt.

Draco grinned at her and then pulled his shirt over his head. Hermione turned from him and entered the bathroom, stepping out of her skirt and knickers. She turned on the taps of the tub. It was a large tub - not as large as the one in the prefect's bathroom - but big enough for two people to be comfortable. She managed to get the bubbles working and slid into the hot water with a hiss. Draco quickly tore off his pants and joined her.

He laid back against the wall of the tub and reached for Hermione to lay her back against his chest. He brought his arms around her and hugged her to him. Then he put his hands on her thighs, swirling them around, closer to her treasure, and then farther away, teasing her. They stayed there for a few moments, enjoying the heat and the comfort of each other.

"Draco, it's going to be ok, right? Me being here, I mean?" Hermione asked. Her voice was small and Draco could tell how terrified she was. His mate was so brave, walking into a snake pit like this. He nuzzled into her hair at the crook of her shoulder, breathing in her scent. She still smelled delicious after all these weeks - he'd never tire of it.

"Of course, it's going to be ok. I'm here to protect you. And Snape's here. I know Greyback's a monster, but he'll protect you too," Draco told her as he tightened his arms around her. "You're safe with me, love," he kissed the side of her neck.

"I love you," Hermione told him. She turned in his arms and straddled his hips, her knees on either side of him, the water sloshed gently with her movements.

Draco trailed his hands up from her legs, up her sides, and cupped her breasts. He offered her a smirk before he leaned in and licked her nipple. She moaned in response and arched her back, offering herself to him. Draco pinched her nipple with his hand, as he sucked on the other one and rolled it around with his tongue. He was rewarded by Hermione rolling her hips, and dragging her heat across his rapidly hardening cock. The hot water, the steam, and Hermione's hot body was all enough to make him stand at attention.

"Gods, Draco," Hermione moaned. She gripped the back of his head tightly even as she reached between them to palm his shaft. She aligned herself and sank down on him. Draco groaned at the feel of sliding into her slick warmth. She was even hotter than the water that surrounded them.

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