Chapter 9

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The first few weeks of Hermione's sixth year were about as normal as they could be. Harry was still obsessing over Malfoy, but Malfoy's movements were normal. He wasn't wandering the castle at odd times or acting furtive at all. Despite the evidence, Harry was convinced that something fishy was going on.

It didn't help that Hermione couldn't get Malfoy out of her mind since the incident on the train. What had he meant by having changed over the summer? She was watching him almost as much as Harry was. She couldn't figure him out. He stayed out of their way and he didn't even bother insulting Harry and Ron. He was still a prat, he had broken Harry's nose on the train, but he hadn't called her a name or been mean to her at all. It was a puzzle.

She walked to Hogsmeade with Harry and Ron, it was a glorious fall day. The sun was shining and it was warm, leaves were occasionally falling from the trees that lined the grounds and village. A perfect day, Hermione thought. She linked her arms with Ron and Harry as they chatted happily about the places they wanted to visit in the village.

"I need to go to Tomes and Scrolls," Hermione told them. "I have a book on order and I'd like to browse their new section."

"I'm shocked, Hermione Granger needs to go to a bookstore," Ron teased laughing with Harry.

"So funny, Ronald," Hermione huffed at them both, until Harry started tickling her ribs and she laughed. She was so happy Harry was in a good mood today. They were few and far between, and since Malfoy hadn't been acting very suspicious, he seemed to have even relaxed a bit on that front. She grinned as they entered the village and headed to Honeydukes. She needed more Sugar Quills, they were her guilty pleasure. They browsed Honeydukes for a while before making their purchases and moving on. She was in such a good mood that she even went into Quality Quidditch Supplies with the boys. Usually that was the point they would split up, but she was relishing being with her friends today.

When they had finished at Quality Quidditch Supplies, Hermione bid Harry and Ron goodbye as she went into Tomes and Scrolls. She promised them she would be quick. They were planning to meet at Three Broomsticks in a while for a butterbeer and some lunch.

She wandered through the aisles of Tomes and Scrolls, breathing deeply the smell of new books and old parchment. It was one of her favorite smells. She was dimly aware of the door bell tinkling, signaling that another patron had entered the shop. She was in the new arrivals section browsing for a new book on Arithmancy. The longer she studied the subject, the more fascinated she became. She was even considering getting her mastery and making a career of it. She had found an Arithmancy book and was reading the back cover when she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up and saw Malfoy and someone she didn't know heading her way. Malfoy's friend was huge, he stood half a head taller than Malfoy, who was tall to begin with, and he was so broad at the shoulder she wondered if he had to sidle through doorways sideways.

"Watch out, pup, there's a lady in the aisle," the stranger told Malfoy. Interestingly, Malfoy got bright red when he looked up and saw her. Hermione was amused at his apparent embarrassment and raised an eyebrow at them. She breathed deeply, oh, there it was. She had been smelling an elusive scent at Hogwarts for weeks now, it was always just out of range. But now with Malfoy and this stranger standing in front of her it was strong and she could finally identify it. It smelled like spring grass, fresh parchment, spearmint toothpaste, and home. That's strange, why does Malfoy smell like home? She realized that Malfoy had just spoken her name. He had to be playing some kind of trick on her, she narrowed her eyes at him. Why does he care about whether I'm enjoying Hogsmeade? What is going on with him?

"Malfoy. I am. And you? Who is your friend?" She asked him, pulling the Arithmancy book close to her chest with one arm.

"Allow me," the stranger said. He grabbed her other hand and gave it a light kiss along her knuckles. He must have had a static charge built up and he shocked her as his lips touched her knuckles. "I'm Fenrir Greyback. An associate of Draco's." He told her, still holding her hand. His eyes were dark and fierce and his voice was melodic and smooth. Fenrir Greyback? Where had she heard that name before? She knew she didn't know him, had never met him, but the name was familiar. That was when Fenrir abruptly dropped her hand because Malfoy rammed him with his shoulder. Did Malfoy just growl?

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