Chapter 20

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Dear Miss Granger,

I'm sure my son has explained his situation to you by now, if anything Fenrir Greyback has told me about werewolf mates is true. I hope you know that I am a loving parent to Draco and would do anything in my power to see him survive the coming conflict. He has taken the death of his father harder than I expected.

Please watch over him for me.

I want to reiterate that I would do absolutely anything for my son and his survival.


Narcissa Malfoy

Dear Mrs. Malfoy,

Thank you for your letter. Draco and I have spoken about his difficult week at home. I am happy to follow your directive. I will be sure to reach out if I need help in the future.

Hermione Granger

Darling Draco,

I hope you are doing well and are able to keep up in your classes. I worry about you, dear, with you so far away from me during this difficult time. Please take care of yourself. It would break me if anything were to happen to you. I hope you know that I would do anything for you, son. Absolutely anything.

Your uncle Rodolphus has been more attentive than usual. Is that your doing? Thank you for looking out for me. However, I am capable of taking care of myself.

While I do appreciate that both Bella and Greyback have been scarce the last few weeks, it has been lonely without the daytime companionship. I am a Slytherin; I do know a few things about dissembling.

However, in Bella and Greyback's absence, both Rodolphus and Severus have been by, making more time to visit with me in the evenings. Please know who you can count on.

Write to me again soon, my darling son.

All my love,


Dear Mother,

I am doing well, and Hermione is making sure I stay on top of all of my classes. Never fear there - she is relentless in her pursuit of knowledge and education for herself and all of her friends.

I hope you know that your sentiment applies to me as well. It would break me if anything were to happen to you. I worry about you alone in that house. I hope you are keeping yourself safe.

I will admit to speaking with Uncle Rodolphus before I left. I'm glad he's kept his word - I wasn't sure he would after the conversation I had with him. I'm glad he and Snape are able to keep you company. I'd prefer you spent time with stable, sane people.

I am hoping to come home for Yule holidays and I may be directed to bring Hermione with me. I will keep you informed on that front. Please know that if I do bring Hermione, she will be staying with me in my room in the family wing. This is not up for debate.

Stay safe,


Dear Hermione,

Apologies for the late reply! I know it has been a couple of months, and I'm sure you are worried - but don't be. The Order has kept me busy. I'm working to liaise with other werewolf packs in Britain, as you know, and it's difficult and sometimes dangerous work.

Not to worry, though, Dora has been taking good care of me and reminded me that I had never gotten to your last letter. As you have found, not enough is written about werewolves in any book. Most of our history is passed on from Sire to newly bitten. As I did not (and do not) get along with my Sire, most of what I know is gleaned from other lone werewolves and low-level pack members.

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