Requested by 1DLoveImagines5sos

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I absolutely loved your request. I thought it was so creative and cool!

Hi! My name is Vanessa and my brother is Josh Devine. I'm currently touring with one direction since Josh has been asking me for weeks and i finally gave in. Tour started 2 weeks ago and it's been nothing but fun which i had no doubt it wouldn't be but i didn't want to go since i'm in love with Niall and i thought it would just be awkward.For the past few days i not only have been keeping my distance with Niall but I have been keeping my distance with all the boys. You see, when the boys are on break or not touring they work at a local dentist clinic. The reason I have been keeping my distance is because I have been having this toothache on one of my back left bottom side and I really don't want them to know since even though I'm 16,I'm still terrified of the dentist. We are currently sitting down together eating lunch when I bit down on the fork it hit my bad tooth and I screamed,"OUCH!!!" Since Louis was sitting next to me he said,"Aha! I knew something was wrong with your teeth! Love, you might think you can hide your pain when you eat but let's be honest, you can't hide anything from a dentist. We have done our job for 3 years now. How about we go to the medical bus and have a look?" "No!!!! Louis don't make me You know i'm terrified of dentists!" It's just then when Josh came around from behind and grabbed me. He picked me up over his shoulder and old the boys to meet me in the medical bus.

-----------------------------------In the medical bus-------------------------

Josh then put me in the dreaded dentist chair and told me to sit still or i will go home when we tour in Bournemouth. With that I sat still in the chair and decided to just go with it and not put up a fight. Next thing I knew was Liam walking into the room in his medical coat and the tray with all the tools he may or may not need to do my exam. Liam walked over and told me that all he was going to do was use his explorer tool to look around in my mouth. I go ahead and let him do it and he takes a second to praise e for not putting up a fight.When Liam looked at m teeth he immediately told me that i have a cavity but since i waited for so long i had two options which were to get a root canal or to to just get the tooth pulled. Since it was towards the back of my mouth i decided to just be in less pain and lose a tooth than being in more pain and keeping the tooth. After he got the tooth pulled he then told me that he wanted to take some x-rays to make sure nothing else was wrong in my mouth.

----------------------After the x-rays------------------------------

When Liam took the x-rays and looked at them, he then told me the one piece of news i would never want to hear but in a way I have always wanted to hear. He told me that I needed braces. Once again he gave me 2 choices which were get the braces now and have them on for 7 months or wait until after the tour and have them on for a year and a half. I chose to get them on now and have them on for less amount of time. Liam got all the supplies and asked if i wanted them clear or a color. I chose to get a color and I chose the pattern of blue,teal,blue. After the braces were all done and my mouth officially hated me for the pain it was in Liam told me that I had to get them tightened once a month untl the 7th month where I will just get them off if they are ready and Liam says that he thinks 7 months will be plenty of time. He also showed me how to properly clean my teeth with the braces and said that if I need any help Niall would gladly help me.

------------------7 months later-----------------------------

I finally get my braces off today and Niall has been helping me through it all, for the first couple of weeks he had to brush my teeth for me since I didn't know how but then i finally got the hang of it. Niall still had to help me when it came to flossing but for the most part i was able to do it for myself the right way. Once i got the braces off, i went to Niall and told him thanks for helping me with my braces. Then Niall told me the question i have always wanted to hear since One Direction was formed- he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend! Of course I said yes. Now I have the awesome, loving,and caring boyfriend of my dreams, no mouth pain whatsoever, straight teeth, and no more fears of the dentist office. I'm also not afraid to tell the boys if i do have a pain in my mouth

-----------------Authors note------------

I hope this is what you wanted or close enough. I had so much fum brainstorming ideas and writing it. I'm also sorry it's being posted later then when I said it would. Our laptop wouldn't work at the moment and i write the stories on the laptop i had to wait to do it, but now we have the laptop working so I could do the story. And as for anyone else, Don't be afraid to request. I will do every request i get and all you need to tell me is the information in the first part where I tell you how to request it. I will post again when i get another request or when I think of another story. This whole thing is over 1,000 words so I hope ya'll enjoyed it! See ya'll later bye!

One Direction Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now